- The hotel is a haven of peace and tranquility. 这家旅馆是一处安宁的去处。
- Patience and tranquility bring good feelings. 平心静气,心情自然好虚心谦下,人缘自然好。
- Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows. 名声很宁静永远不能是同床者。
- Some colors can make us feel calm and tranquility. 一些颜色可以使我们感到冷静,安宁。
- To be a obedient and tranquil wife. 然后回到他身边。
- In the secret and tranquil soul linger. 还是萦绕在深秘恬静的心灵。
- It's always calm and tranquil here. 这里面都是风平浪静的。
- So aromatic and tranquil and honorable! 如此芳香华贵!
- You are now feeling peaceful and calm and tranquil. 你现在感受到平安,祥和以及宁静。
- Record mouse movement and clicking. 记录鼠标移动和点击。
- The wind died down, and tranquil is the road. 风全住了,路上还很静。
- He made a movement and upset his glass. 他动了一下,把玻璃杯打翻了。
- It was definitely a heavenly place of rest and tranquility. 那的确是一个宁静的天堂,是个休息的好地方。
- He looked like one in a profound and tranquil sleep. 看起来他真像在安祥的熟睡之中。
- It created freedom of movement and of vocational choice. 它创立了迁徙自由和选择职业的自由。
- Living here in the country, you can feel peace and tranquility . 住在乡间,你会感觉到平和与宁静。
- The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed. 政府试图肃清反叛运动,结果失败了。
- What a treat to be standing in the peace and tranquility here! 站在这祥和、宁静的地方,太惬意了!
- In the first days of the movement and before too, he was something. 革命刚开始时和开始以前,他算是一条汉子。
- So that takes more meditations with peace and tranquility. 因此那需要更多平静的思考。