- They then turned into air, and vanished. 他们就化作一溜烟儿消失了。
- Civilian deaths would rapidly mount into the tens of thousands. 平民死亡人数会很快上升至几万人。
- The hissing sound results from the escape of the gas into air. 当气体被释放时便会发出嘶嘶声。
- The temperature mounted into the 90s. 温度上升到90多度。
- This repsents a boundary where the water seeps out of the soil into air. 这个边界是水从土层中渗出进入空气的地方。
- The temperature mounted into the 80s. 气温上升到80多华氏度。
- This represents a boundary where the water seeps out of the soil into air. 这个边界是水从土层中渗出进入空气的地方。
- The riders brought their mounts into line. 骑手们把马排齐。
- The temperature mounted into 90 degrees. 温度上升到90度。
- The Americans and Russians have launched many rockets into air space. 美国人和俄罗斯人已把许多火箭发射到太空。
- Every car engine burns hundreds of gallons of fuel each year and pumps hundreds of pounds d carbon monoxide and other gases into air. 每一辆车每年要燃烧掉几百加仑的燃料,并把几百磅重的一氧化碳和其他废气送入大气中。
- In carburetion, a device called a carburetor mixes gas into air as the air flows into the engine. 在蒸发式中,一个成为化油器的装置在空气流入引擎时把汽油与空气混合。
- After I donned my Red Baron gear, Roger took me through pre-flight instructions, down the runway and up into air. 我穿上第一次世界大战时的飞行服,罗杰领我过了一遍飞行前的指示,顺着跑道,升向天空。
- Quite a few chimneys are still pouring smoke into air and noise pollution remains serious. 还有不少的烟囱把烟尘排放到大气中,另外,噪音污染依然严重。
- When a patient with active disease coughs or sneezes without covering up the mouth, the bacteria will be spread into air through the aerosol. 病人在咳嗽和打喷嚏时所产生的带菌微粒在空气中散播,便把疾病传播。
- EPER is the European Pollutant Emission Register - the first European-wide register of industrial emissions into air and water. 描述:该网站介绍整个欧洲范围工业对大气和水的各种排放与污染,及其防治。
- Flammable gas produced from petrochemical facility is discharged mostly by torching or directly into air through vent pipe. 摘要石油化工生产装置大多是通过火炬燃烧排放易燃易爆气体或通过放空管将易爆气体直接排入大气中。
- Methods: Each of three different hyaluronan products (Synisc, Hyalgan, and Supartz) was injected into air pouches established in groups of BALB/c mice. 背景:关节内注射透明质酸盐制剂是膝关节骨性关节炎常用的治疗方法。
- It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted. 维苏威火山上一次喷发至今已有很多年了。
- In terms of density, the voyage from interplanetary to intergalactic space is more drastic than going from water into air. 以密度来说,从行星际到星系际空间的旅行,比从水进入空气中还激烈。