- Therefore the whole middle peasantry can be a reliable ally of the proletariat and is an important motive force of the revolution. 因此,全部中农都可以成为无产阶级的可靠的同盟者,是重要的革命动力的一部分。
- Therefore,the landlords,as a class,are a target and not a motive force of the revolution. 因此,作为阶级来说,地主阶级是革命的对象,不是革命的动力。
- The Chinese working class and peasantry remain the basic motive forces of the Chinese revolution. 中国工人阶级与农民,依然是中国革命的基本动力。
- Hence these sections of the petty bourgeoisie constitute one of the motive forces of the revolution and are a reliable ally of the proletariat. 因此,这些小资产阶级是革命的动力之一,是无产阶级的可靠的同盟者。
- This is the question of the motive forces of the Chinese revolution at the present stage. 这就是现阶段上中国革命的动力问题。
- Basically,the workers,the peasants and the urban petty bourgeoisie are still the motive forces of the revolution,but now there may be the national bourgeoisie as well. 革命的动力,基本上依然是工人、农民和城市小资产阶级,现在则可能增加一个民族资产阶级。
- The exchange and mutual reference of different kinds of civilizations constitutes a motive force of human progress. 各种文明相互交流和借鉴,是人类进步的动力。
- Given the nature of Chinese society and the present targets and tasks of the Chinese revolution as analysed and defined above,what are the motive forces of the Chinese revolution? 根据现阶段中国社会的性质、中国革命的对象、中国革命的任务的分析和规定,中国革命的动力是什么呢?
- It can bring out a lot of crimes, becomes and make sinner's inherent motive force of implementing crime. 它可以诱发很多犯罪,成为犯罪人实施犯罪的内在动力。
- The correct way of breathing, as the very basic of euphonic singing, is the motive force of good music. 正确的呼吸是美声歌唱的基础,呼吸是歌唱的动力,谁掌握了呼吸,谁就能赢得歌唱;
- Yuan Qi, may also be seen as the motive force of the Corporeal Soul which animates the body. 元气,被认为是有形的灵魂,是人体生命活动的原动力。
- What are the Motive Forces of Economic Growth at Present in China? 我国目前经济增长的动力何在?
- He burned with zeal for the cause of revolution and anger against its enemies. 他对革命事业充满热情,对敌人则充满义愤。
- Cohesiveness is the nucleus motive force of promoting unity behavior of a class. 班级团体凝聚力是班级团体行为的核心动力。
- Doubt and animadvert are inner motive force of innovation of science and culture. 怀疑和批判是促进科学与文化不断创新的内推力。
- For the cause of revolution, he fought till [to] his last breath. 为了革命事业,他战斗到了生命的最后一息。
- Human civilization diversity is the important characteristics in human society and motive force of human civilization. 摘要人类文明多样性是人类社会的重要特征,是人类文明进步的动力。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- Talent resource is the motive force of economic development and the important resource which revitalize Liaoning the old industrial base. 人才资源是经济发展的动力,是振兴辽宁老工业基地的重要资源。
- All attempts on the part of reaction to face down the forces of revolution will come to nil. 所有要想制服革命势力的一切企图是要失败的。