- more kicks than happened 费力不讨好
- The result is getting more kicks than halfpence. 这究竟是什么原因呢?
- Receive more kicks than halfpence . 没有受奖反而更加倒霉。
- He started to work at 14 on his uncle's farm where he got more kicks than ha'pence. 他14岁就开始在叔叔的农场干活,但得到的只有痛苦与责难。
- I should not recommend this kind of job to anyone; you get more kicks than halfpennies. 我不想把这样的工作介绍给任何人,这种事是得不偿失的。
- There are three things that can't be wasted, body, money and love. You splurge them and get more kicks than halfpence; 有三样东西不能浪费:身体,金钱和爱情。妳若肆意挥霍,则会得不偿失!
- more kicks than ha'pence 未受优待反遭虐待
- get more kicks than halfpence v. 得不偿失
- more kicks than halfpence 未受优待反遭虐待
- Pseudobulges may be the result of extremely gas-rich mergers than happened more recently than those mergers that formed classical bulges (within the last 5 billion years). 伪球核可能是在最近 (在50亿年内) 发生的合并过程中,合并的星系气体特别丰富的结果,因此才不同于传统球核。
- There is not much kick in the cocktail. 这种鸡尾酒没有多少劲儿。
- THIS is why rich men invest in football clubs. This is why they get more kicks out of it than a thousand bottles of champagne. 这就是富人投资足球俱乐部的原因。这就是他们从中获得比一千瓶香槟更多爱好的原因。
- There is far less to-and-fro movement between the different groups than happened under capitalism or even in the pre-industrial age. 在不同集团之间,流动性远远不如资本主义制度或者前工业时代那么大。
- Does there still remain some more kicking to do? 是否仍然对此进行更多声讨?
- I have seen this happen more than once. 发生这种事我屡见不鲜。
- Lock bumping is irrelevant if a potential thief would rather use a crowbar or a swift kick than a bump key and a rubber mallet. 如果一个小偷只愿使用一把撬棍或者猛踢而不用撞匙和橡皮锤,撞锁就不用考虑了。
- Further testing with my music shows one clear advantage though, this amp really tightens up bass to deliver more kick and control. 不过再做测试还是发现有改进,低频控制力增强了,鼓点听起来更带劲。
- Winos like cheap wine, because it gives the most kick for a little money. 酒鬼爱喝价钱便宜的酒;因为这种酒花钱少而劲儿大.
- Also released are som front arm holders, designed to accept a toe-in bushing making it possible to add more kick up to help in the bumps and jumps. 同时公布的是第一次高级官员会议前手臂持有人,旨在接受的一个脚趾头-在衬套使得有可能添加更多的踢了帮助,在坎坷和跳跃。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。