- What a pity that English is not more generally studied. 不能对英语进行普遍的研究是多么令人遗憾呀。
- I shall now go on to develop my point more generally. 现在我将继续对我的观点作更广泛的阐述。
- All this seems to be denting trust in business more generally. 所有这些似乎都削弱了公众对于企业的信任。
- More generally the proofs are direct, perhaps at times brief. 有时或许,更一般证据是直接的摘要。
- Yes, we dabble in literature, and more generally, narrative. 是的,我们涉足文学,或者通俗点说是记叙文。
- Union negotiators are holding out for a more generous pay settlement. 工会代表故意拖延谈判以争取达成大幅度增加工资的解决方案。
- What a pity it is that English is not more generally studied. 英语没能被广泛地深入学习是一件多么可惜的事情。
- Implication is a more generic notion. 蕴涵是更为一般的概念。
- Try to be more generous with your money. 设法用钱大方一点。
- Keyword can be used for a method or, more generally, for any block of code. 关键字既可用于方法,更一般地,也可用于任何代码块。
- We can offer you more generous discount terms. 我们可以向你提供更多的折扣。
- Or perhaps the summer fog was more general. 有的时候,夏雾更弥漫。
- Real code would be a bit more general. 实际的代码应该更全面。
- It can incorporate more general functional form. 它可以容纳更一般的函数形式。
- Happy people are more generous and altruistic. 快乐的人会更无私,更为别人着想。
- I also had more general goals for wiki. 我对维基还有一些泛泛的日标。
- Use as ground adornment cobble is more general. 用作地面装饰鹅卵石更普遍。
- A more generally applicable model of FPL and its PMT are also discussed. 分析更普遍适用的同塔四回输电线模型,对其相模变换方法进行计算分析。
- CSP is the most generally cryptographic interface of PKI. CSP是目前应用最广泛的PKI密码接口。
- Haematite is a special case of the more general ilmenite structure. 赤铁矿是更为一般的钛铁矿型结构中一个特殊的情况。