- “More than half of women had micro-biologic evidence of bacterial vaginosis. Dr. Myer says studies in South Africa indicate many women with the condition did not realize the serious health risks involved and failed to go for treatment.
- “more”和“door”同韵。 “More”rhymes with “door”.
- 我的书不同于(不是than)你的。 My book is different from (not than ) yours.
- More屏蔽氢离子模型 More's screened hydrogenic model
- 英语中“than”结构语义理解与汉译 Semantic Understanding of Than Structure in English and Its Chinese Translation
- 中国馆占地1000平方米。 The Chinese Pavilion occupied a floor space of1000 square metres.
- 与more连用表示超过的量 Used with more to indicate an excess
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- abbr. Less-than-CarLoad, (铁路运输中的)零担的 L.C.L.
- 您要提1000美元。 You want to withdraw one thousand U.S. dollars.
- iN-OS iNOS
- (=more dicto) 按照医嘱,按照说明 m.dict.
- 提供岸对岸less-than-truckload服务的领导者。 Leading provider of less-than-truckload services coast-to-coast.
- 最多要1000元。 It will cost you 1000 yuan at most.
- Cu-In Cu-In
- (=utendus more solito) 按常规使用 utend.mor.sol.
- IN环 IN-rings
- 这村子海拔1000米。 The village is 1,000 meters above sea level.
- 烟尘抽出一支More幽雅的抽了起来。 More elegant dust out of a pumped up.
- 在“He is taller than I”这个句子里,动词“am”被省略了。 In the sentence "He is taller than I"the verb "am"is to be understood.