- How will the monetary policy instrument be applied to attain an 8 percent increase of the national economy? 怎样应用货币政策工具促进经济实现百分之八的增长目标?
- Fifth, the gradual shift from direct to indirect monetary policy instruments has greatly improved transimission of monetary policy and effectiveness of macroeconomic management. 第五,货币政策工具由直接到间接的逐渐改变,极大地改善了货币政策的传导效果和宏观经济管理效率。
- With the changing of macroeconomic control measures from direct ones to indirect ones, Ordinary Monetary Policy Instruments (OMPI) will play more and more important role. 随着我国货币政策调控方式由直接型向间接型的转变,一般性货币政策工具将扮演越来越重要的角色。
- Fifth, the gradualshift from direct to indirect monetary policy instruments has greatly improvedtransimission of monetary policy and effectiveness of macroeconomicmanagement. 第五,货币政策工具由直接到间接的逐渐改变,极大地改善了货币政策的传导效果和宏观经济管理效率。
- This year we will use the monetary policy instrument to support an 8-percent economic growth. 今年,将通过货币政策工具的运作来支持8%25的经济增长速度。
- Each monetary policy instrument has its own advantages, drawbacks and applicable conditions. 每个货币政策工具都有自己的优点,缺点和适用条件。
- As the major monetary policy instrument on offsetting foreign exchange reserves in China,the sustainability of central bank notes has been questioned for a long time. 央行票据作为我国当前冲销外汇占款的主要货币政策工具,其可持续性一直以来受到质疑。
- This is broadly speaking the way in which changes in the monetary policy instrument, where these can be contemplated, bring about the macroeconomic effects that they are designed to produce. 我们讨论货币政策时往往会提到它的传导机制。大体上来说,这是指调整货币政策工具以达致预期宏观经济效果的过程。
- When applying the monetary policy instruments listed in the preceding paragraph to implement monetary policies, The People's Bank of China may work out specific requirements and procedures. 中国人民银行为执行货币政策,运用前款所列货币政策工具时,可以规定具体的条件和程序。
- The Analysis of Gold Market as A Monetary Policy Instrument 论作为货币政策工具的黄金业务
- Central Bank Bills: A Monetary Policy Instrument Vanished in The Future 中央银行票据:终将消逝的政策工具
- A stable monetary policy was carried out. 稳健的货币政策被实施。
- Why the Monetary Policy Always Stops at Branches? 央行货币政策缘何受阻基层?
- On Operating the Steady Monetary Policy? 稳健的货币政策是如何操作的?
- The first is of course monetary policy. 首先当然是货币政策。
- Were There Regime Switches in U.S. Monetary Policy? 美国货币政策是否有区制转换?
- Power in monetary policy will also shift. 货币政策的决策权力将会转移。
- COSATU is now meddling in monetary policy too. 南非总工会现在也干预货币政策。
- But all this complicates monetary policy. 但所有这些会使货币政策复杂化。
- Should monetary policy uses long-term rate? 货币政策应该使用长期利率吗?