- moisture absorption apparatus 吸湿装置
- Moisture absorption, easy to clean. 吸水、易清洗。
- Moisture absorption, waterproof. 吸水、防渗。
- To prevent moisture absorption, do not break the bag seal until just before use. 为了防止吸收水分,应当等到使用前才能打开袋子的密封。
- Moisture welts Wrinkles in a paper roll caused by moisture absorption after drying. 纸卷在干燥后吸收水份而起皱的情况。
- Moisture welts: Wrinkles in a paper roll caused by moisture absorption after drying. 水痕:纸卷在干燥后吸收水份而起皱的情况。
- When indoor air is humid, carpet moisture absorption, when indoor air is dry, release damp. 当室内空气潮湿时,地毯吸湿,室内空气干燥时,释放湿气。
- Moisture absorption and sweet dischargeable fiber will become of a new upgrade product of polyester fiber. 吸湿排汗纤维将成为一种新型的聚酯纤维升级换代产品。
- So pectinase treatment is more suitable for improving the moisture absorption of naturally colored cotton. 果胶酶处理更适合用来改善天然彩色棉的吸湿性。
- A breathable, moisture absorption, insulation function, the human body are very useful. 具有透气、吸湿、保温的功能,对人体也十分有益。
- A very smooth paper, its environmental changes, paper will be in the air and moisture absorption or dewetting. 一张不一不合缝隙的纸张,其所处境况不收生改变时,纸张会在氛围洋吸干或脱干。
- The addition of ether derivatives of glycol in a solvent can reduce its ability of moisture absorption effectively. 而乙二醇醚的加入可有效地降低溶剂体系的吸水性。
- The result show that the introduction of PEG,a hydrophile component can enhance the moisture absorption ... 结果表明亲水基团PEG的引入可以提高合成革吸湿透气性能。并且微相分离大的吸湿透气性能差。
- When drier foods are placed in moist environments, moisture absorption can occur on the food surface, eventually allowing microbial growth. 当干燥的食品被放置于潮湿的环境中时,在食品的表面上发生吸潮,最终使微生物可以生长。
- Characteristics: Accelerate cell updated speed, prevent moisture from draining, enhance moisture absorption ability and decrease the wrinkle. 特点:提升细胞更新速度,防止水份流失,增加肌肤水份吸收能力,减少皱纹。
- When the material is fully contained within the printing system, concerns about handling, drying out, moisture absorption or waste are eliminated. 当物料完全包括在锡膏印刷系统,关注处置,干燥,吸潮和减少浪费。
- The polyester can be modified by introducing amide group in macromo-lecular chains to improve its moisture absorption as well as melting behavior. 在聚酯中引入酰胺基可制得多种类型的改性聚酯,如提高模量,增加原聚酯的吸湿性,改善熔融行为等,并可制得弹性纤维。
- Methods Danshen granules were evaluated by moisture absorption rate,flowibility,particle size distribution and friability. 方法以平衡吸湿速率、流动性、粒径分布、脆碎度为指标,综合评价不同辅料对丹参颗粒的影响。
- The bamboo pulp fiber has worse properties of swellability, moisture absorption and liberation rate and thermal stability except hygroscopic capacity. 竹浆纤维因其加工方法不同,除吸湿能力优于竹原纤维外,其放湿速度慢、吸湿溶胀率小、耐热性能也比竹原纤维差。
- The fabric is naturally antibiotic,high strength,wear-resistant,moisture absorpt and wet permeating,cool and comfortable,so it has wide prospects. 该产品天然抗菌、强力高、耐磨性好、吸湿透气、凉爽舒适,具有非常广阔的市场前景。