- modified distribution method (运输问题) 修正分配法
- 最后讨论了高速PCB(Printed Circuit Board)设计的要点以及PCB导线特性阻抗的计算方法。 This controller can improve the performance of DSO in the display greatly. At last we also discussed the guidelines of high-speed board layout and the characteristic impedance's calculation of the circuit trace on the PCB.
- 正在检查服务器以验证高速缓存条目,因为last_modified丢失 Checking server to verify cache entry because last_modified missing
- 使用HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE对缓存的内容进行基于时间的验证。 Use HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE for time-based validation of the cached content.
- 服务器将HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE请求标题的值与当前时间相比较。 The server compares the value of the HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE request header with the current time.
- 所有病人达到Modified Aldrete Score9分及以上则可以离开PACU回病房。 The patients whose Modified Aldrete Score was 9 or above could be dismissed from PACU.
- 算法是在联接电路(Miter circuit)中进行推理来简化验证问题,推理中使用了"与/非"图结构简化、BDD扩展、隐含学习多种方法,最后 使用有效SAT解算器zChaff解决验证任务。 The algorithm uses several methods to reduce the space of the SAT reasoning first, those methods are AND/INVERTER graph transformation, BDD propagation and implication learning, CNF-based SAT solver zChaff is used to solve the verification task.
- 目的建立缺血修饰白蛋白(ischemia-modified albumin,IMA)快速简便的检测方法; Objective To establish albumin cobalt-binding(ACB) test for ischemia- modified albumin (IMA) detection;
- 目前,基于SOC技术的嵌入式系统设计主要有两种方法:基于专用集成电路的ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit),以及基于可编程逻辑器件的SOPC(System On a Programmable Chip)。 Currently, the design of embedded system according to SOC has two kinds of methods: According to ASIC(the Application Specific Integrated Circuit)and the SOPC(the System On a Programmable Chip) of the programmable logic component.
- 您可以通过附加到度量值组名称的后缀“modified”分辨出哪些设计准备应用到服务器。 You can distinguish which designs are pending to be applied to the servers by the suffix modified appended to the measure group name.
- 每个数据行都包含关于其RowState的信息(例如,Added、Modified、Deleted、Unchanged)。 Each data row contains information as to it's RowState (for example, Added, Modified, Deleted, Unchanged).
- 通过约化摄动法,在临界点附近推导出 modified Korteweg-de Vries方程(简称,mKdV方程)。 The modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (the mKdV equation, for short) near the critical point is derived by using the reductive perturbation method.
- 本文根据Lennard-Jones(LJ)势,modified Buckingham(exp-6)势,Silvera-Goldman(SG)势和Nellis et al. Calculations of the second virial coefficient of hydrogen fluid were performed by using four intermolecular potentials, Lennard-Jones (LJ), modified Buckingham (exp-6), Silvera-Goldman (SO) and Nellis et al (NBL).
- Zohdy在1974年对Dar Zarrouk曲线(简称DZ曲线)作了修改,修改后的DZ法,叫做Modified Dar Zarrouk法(简称MDZ法)。 Zohdy, and the modified DZ method is then called MDZ method (Modified Dar Zorrouk).
- 本文研究了modified Korteweg-de Vries方程初边值问题并用调和分析作为工具研究了Davey-Stewartson方程柯西问题。 In this dissertation, we study the initial-boundary-value problem of modified Korteweg-de Vries equation and use the tool of harmonic analysis to study the Cauchy problem of Davey-Stewarson equation.
- 设计器加载程序在重新加载前会刷新更改,但它不会强制重新加载,如果发生加载错误,它也不会将Modified属性设置为true。 The designer loader flushes changes before reloading, but it does not force a reload, and it also does not set the Modified property to true if load errors occur.