- Modern children don't like being regimented. 现代的儿童不喜欢受严格的控制。
- Zhang Kejia's poetry could be considered as the new growing point of Chinese modern poetry and Zang Kejia was its founder and trail-blazer. 这些成就,使臧诗成为中国特色新诗的新起点,臧克家就是中国特色新诗新起点的奠基者和开路人。
- The Zhengshi poetry is mainly Ji Kang and the Ruan Ji"s poetry. 第二部分:正始诗歌的迁逝主题。
- Dickinson’s poetry, despite its ostensible formal simplicity, is remarkable for its variety, subtlety and richness. 狄金森的诗虽然表面浅显,但内容多样化,微妙而又深刻。
- It is a mistake to think of Edgar Allan Poe’ s poetry as being more music than meaning. ( 译文:认为埃德加?阿伦?波的诗与其说是意味深长不如说是音乐的看法是错误的。
- TUM also publishes bi-lingual modern Children's books by Chinese authers to the world. 同时,泛联图书向世界以中英文双语的方式出版现代中国儿童读物。
- TUM introduces modern children's books in the west to the next generation of Chinese children in a bi-lingual fashion. 泛联图书出版以中英文双语的方式,为中国新时代儿童引进现代西方儿童经典作品。
- The language of Kou Zhun ‘s poetry is flowing, on the whole, elegant, natural, but also Lisu, humorous side . 寇准诗歌的语言总体上是流丽、典雅、自然的,但亦有俚俗、诙谐的一面。
- Tao Yuanming‘s poetry both dull and Shuanglang style, language pristine nature, extremely refined. 陶渊明的诗文兼有平淡与爽朗的风格,语言质朴自然,又极为精炼。
- For an illustrated children's version see Manheim under Allerleirauh in Modern Children's Editions, below. 婚姻和男性的权力, 在鞋的意象中可谓表露无遗。
- Mu Cao’s poetry pays a great attention to the weak and the disadvantaged groups living in the underclass. 在那样的处境中,能够始终坚守着诗歌的探索创造在诗歌界是绝无仅有的。
- Wu Mi"s poetry endosarc view composed by three parts ,the poetry spirit, thematerial and the medium. 吴宓的诗歌内质观可以说是由诗歌的精神,材料,媒质三个部分组成。
- So immersed are modern children in the electronic media that they have little or no awareness of the marvelous world to be discovered in books. 现代的孩子那么沉迷于电子媒体以至于他们对于书中可能发现的奇妙的世界了解甚少,甚至一点也不了解。
- LI XR, ed. Modern Child Psychiatry. Changsha: Hunan Science and Technology Press. 李雪荣,主编。现代儿童精神医学。长沙:湖南科技出版社。
- Some ecofeminist ideas are analyzed through categorization of such themes or motifs as Eros, Activism and Pantheism in Walker"s poetry and essays. 在她看来,地球上的一切事物都是相互联系的,生命界和非生命界都处在同一的生态网络中,没有等级关系,也没有统治关系。
- For lack of face-to-face contact, modern children tend to be more introverted, unsocial, isolatedindifferent than those kids in last century. 对媒体过多关注使孩子们变得孤僻而脱离现实生活。
- Some ecofeminist ideas are analyzed through categorization of such themes or motifs as Eros, Activism and Pantheism in Walker’s poetry and essays. 在她看来,地球上的一切事物都是相互联系的,生命界和非生命界都处在同一的生态网络中,没有等级关系,也没有统治关系。
- The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world. 清代杜诗注疏契合了考镜源流、经世致用的学术背景,反映了当时知识分子的精神寄托。
- It's of affirmative significance for modern children education by inheriting and developing national traditional games of minorities, including Oroqen Nationnality. 传承并发展包括鄂伦春族传统游戏在内的民族传统游戏对当今儿童的教育具有积极意义。
- It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when informed that they will someday have to "go to work and make a living". 当如今的小孩被告知他们将有一天不得不去“工作与谋生”时,他们可能面露茫然与沮丧,这不足为奇。