- A rising westerly wind was whipping up a moderate sea. 西风逐渐加紧,平静的海面上起了波浪。
- A rising westerly wind was whipping up a moderate sea 西风逐渐加紧,平静的海面上起了波浪。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- The storm heaved the sea into mountainous waves. 风暴在海面上掀起万丈波涛。
- He usually drives at a moderate speed. 他通常中速驾驶。
- Of a moderate yellowish to olive brown. 青铜色的,古铜色的中等黄到黄褐色的
- The sea have erode the cliff face over the years. 海水经年累月冲刷著峭壁的表面。
- The sea was choppy today because of the windstorm. 今天起了风暴,海上波涛汹涌。
- A moderate brown to reddish brown. 可可色褐色到微褐红色
- A moderate or strong reddish brown to strong brown. 中度的或强烈的棕红色到酱红色
- The sea tided the debris ashore. 潮水把碎片杂物冲上海滩。
- He is a child of only moderate ability. 这孩子能力平平。
- I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds. 我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。
- Moderate exercise is fundamental to good health. 适度的运动封健康是绝对必要的。
- A big ship ploughed the sea at full sail. 一艘大船张满帆在海面上破浪前进。
- The boat was tossed about in the stormy sea. 小船在风急雨骤的大海中颠簸。
- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- A light to moderate or vivid yellow. 淡黄色从浅黄到黄色或鲜艳的黄色
- They sent the enemy ship to the bottom of the sea. 他们把敌舰击沉。