- moving areas(数字电视) 运动面积
- sulfur crack(焊接缺陷) 硫裂
- star crack (玻璃制品表面缺陷) 星状裂纹
- moving boundary(指牵伸变速点) 移动界面
- movie是moving picture的口语体。 "Movie" is a colloquial word for "moving picture".
- heat treatment crack (所产生的) 热处理裂纹
- chevron crack (圆断面坯料拔长时形成的) 中心裂纹
- moving coil ACarc welder 动圈式交流弧焊机
- (=motion mode unit) M型(超声诊断)仪 M-mode u.
- 一般认为“crack”是“cocaine”的派生词。 "Crack" is often described as a derivative of cocaine.
- 作为Representational Mode的英诗语言 English Poetic Language as Representational Mode
- 这种毒品的叫法五花八门,有人称为crack,也有人叫它freebase。 The drug is variously known as crack or freebase.
- 默认的mode是0777,意味着最大可能的访问权。 The mode is 0777 by default, which means the widest possible access.
- 如果你想将其放宽到GID比较,则打开safe_mode_gid。 If you want to relax this to a GID compare, then turn on safe_mode_gid.
- 将数据源的Informix Lock Mode Wait设置为更高的值。 Set Informix Lock Mode Wait for the data source to a higher value.
- 基于 Native Mode ATM API 的应用系统模型及关键技术 The Model and Key Technology in Application System Based on Native Mode ATM API
- MPEG(Moving Picture Expert Group)是ISO和CCITT于1988年成立的专门研究多媒体数据压缩标准的一个专业组织。 该组织于1999年先后发布了MPEG-4标准的第一、二版。 MPEG group, which is a specializing organization established by ISO and CCITT in 1988, produced the first and second version of MPEG-4 standard in 1999. Compared with the previous MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and H.263 standards, MPEG-4 introduces and realizes many novel concepts for the first time, e.g. content-based interactivity, scalability and extensibility.
- 下面显示了最全面的列集,当mode为FULL时,就会返回该集。 The most comprehensive set of columns is shown below and is returned when mode is FULL.
- 如果不需要将语句自动提交,则需要把mode设为OCI_DEFAULT。 If you don't want statements to be committed automatically, you should specify OCI_DEFAULT as your mode.
- 比如,外语学习者常常造出这样的句子There is some water in the bottle,There ts a book on the desk,There is a hole on the shirt,There is a crack on the jar等等。 For example, they often produce sentences like There is some water in the bottle, There is a book on the desk, There is a hole on the shirt, There is a crack on the jar, etc.