- mobile ad hoe networks 移动自组网
- MANET(Mobile Ad hoe Network) MANET
- mobile ad hoe network 移动自组网
- Mobile Ad Hoe Network(MANET) 移动自组网
- mobile Ad hoe network (MANET) 移动无线自组织网络
- wireless Ad Hoe networks (WANETs) 无线自组织网
- Vehicular Ad Hoe Networks(VANET) 车载自组网(VANET)
- Mobile ad - hoe network (MANET) 移动自组织网络
- Analyze on mobility of dynamic source routing protocol in wireless Ad hoe networks 无线自组织网络中动态源路由协议的移动性分析
- Research on QoS Routing Protocols of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 移动自组网络安全路由协议研究。短句来源。
- The preexistence of mobile Ad Hoc network is packet radio network. Ad Hoc网络的前身是分组无线网(Packet Radio Network)。
- wireless Ad Hoe networks 无线自组网络
- Deterministic Ad hoe networks 确定性自组织网络
- It is also promising to use Bluetooth as a medium for mobile ad hoc networks. 蓝芽技术也是一种在行动网路的一种媒介。
- Vehicular ad hoe networks 车载自组网
- Ad Hoe Networks AdHoc网络
- wireless ad hoe network 无线自组网
- ad hoe network 自组网
- DSR is a simple and efficient routing protocol designed specifically for use in mobile ad hoc networks. DSR 协议是专用于Ad hoc 网络的简单有效的按需路由协议,主要由路由发现和路由维护两个机制组成。
- Wireless Ad hoe network(MANET) 无线移动自组织网络