- I will pay you $1 for every typographic error you find. 你们每找出一处印刷错误,我会支付1美元。
- Please excuse this typographical error. 请原谅此打印错误。
- The Publisher will not be responsible for any typographical error. 原稿如有错漏,恕不负责补刊。
- Therefore, when those variables are used in the code, any typographic errors are caught immediately and can be fixed. 因此,当那些变量用于代码时,任何版式错误都将被立即捕获并修复。
- Later I heard that the parking system may induce illuminated, but Lande typographic errors with the brand colour of the traffic signs, little attention on the missed, it is difficult to distinguish. 后来听说停车诱导系统可指路,可是蓝底白字的牌子与交通路牌的颜色一样,稍不注意就错过了,很难辨别。
- A typographical error in the "Executive Commander" creation path has been fixed. 在“行政指挥官(?)”人物创建过程中的1个错误用词处已被修正。(应该跟中文版无关)
- Pinholes wax agencyof, a typographical error elimination and make a new kizami the correct word. 蜡纸上的蜡被凝结,别字产生,再从脚刻上不对的字。
- This misprint led to great confusion. 这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。
- The domain is easy to spell and not prone to typographical errors. 容易拼而且不易有印刷上的错误的。
- A six-run rally had lifted the Red Sox to a6-5 victory, and Damon's first inclination was to wonder if it had been a typographical error. 狂得六分让红袜拿下六比五胜利,且大门的最初想法是是否计分版打错了。
- Even one small typographical error can wreak havoc -- make sure you make a backup copy of any file you're planning to edit. 一个小的排字错误就会产生很大的影响,在编辑之前,对每个文件都要进行备份。
- The shorter your domain, the easier it is to reach and the less are the chance the user will make a typographical error while typing it. 你的域名越短,越易访问,用户也会减少输错的可能。
- E. pictorial location for accuracy is in the paper, the text is correct, there is no fall Edition, a typographical error, omission or fault in the Division of pen-deficient. 图案位置是否正确,是否在纸幅内,文字是否正确,有无掉版、漏字、错字、缺笔断划的现象。
- These web pages may contain inadvertent inaccuracies or typographical errors. 本公司网页可能包括由于疏忽大意的不准确现象或排版错误。
- My primary frustration with this book is the many typographical errors. 我最感失望的是,本书有许多的印刷/排版错误。
- He overlooked a spelling error on the first page. 他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。
- A good editor never once leaves a misprint uncorrected. 一个好编辑决不会放过一个印刷错误。
- He learned technical skills by trial and error. 他通过不断摸索掌握技能。
- The letter was addressed in error. 那封信的地址写错了。
- I stumbled on a misprint in my dictionary. 我偶然在字典中发现一处印刷错误。