- I'm haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories. 我常为悲观的思想和悲痛的追念所困扰。
- He led a miserable and dreary life in old age. 他晚景凄凉。
- I fluctuate between feeling really happy and sad. 我的情绪总在非常高兴与悲哀之间波动。
- The girl looked thoughtful and sad. 这女孩看上去心事重重,满腹忧愁。
- He once had bitter and sad days. 他有过一段悲酸的日子。
- If he is going to be miserable and sour there is no point. 如果他选择是错误的,那我们也没有意见。
- In secret sorrow and sad pensiueness. 偷偷黯然神伤隐忧满怀。
- He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered. 他很快就会发现自己孤单,痛苦,难过。
- The person that this balladry speaks a way a few miserable and but. 这句民谣道出行路者几多辛酸和无奈。
- Melly helped her pack, looking morose and sad. 梅利帮她收拾东西,看上去有些抑郁和忧愁。"
- But why the adult without teeth, they look miserable and ugly!! 但为什么成人没有牙,他们看起来好傻和丑恶!!
- As the years go on, we grow both wiser and sadder. 随着岁月的流逝,我们变聪明了,也变得多愁善感了。
- Aziz was sitting up in bed, looking dishevelled and sad. 阿济兹在床上坐了起来,头发蓬松,衣衫零乱,样子很难过。
- She had been merry without reason, and sad without reason. 她忽而莫名其妙地高兴,忽而莫名其妙地发愁。
- What deserves being thoughtful and sad when you are just a child? 小小年纪,有什么值得你心事重重,满腹忧愁?
- When he heard the news, he was happy and sad all at once. 当他听到这个消息的时候,他悲喜交集。
- Aziz was sitting up in bed, looking disheveled and sad. 阿济兹在床上坐了起来,头发蓬松,衣衫零乱,样子很难过。
- We just looked on miserably and watched her die. 我们只能眼睁睁地看她死掉。
- Eddie: It's so boring, the pay's miserable and there's no appreciation. 埃迪:工作性质沉闷,薪水微薄,而且没有人欣赏。
- However, the man appeared still more anxious and sad. 然而这人更加焦虑更加难过起来。