- minimum cost largest flow 最小费用最大流
- We built the plant at top speed and minimum cost. 我们以最低的投资,最高的速度修建了该工厂。
- Their strategy is designed to achieve its ends at a minimum cost. 他们的战略思想是以最小的代价来达到他们的目的。
- Seeks the maximum volume of sales with the minimum cost. 努力以最低的成本获取最大的销量。
- If you wish, we could arrange travel insurance for you at a minimum cost. 若您希望的话,我们愿意以最低的费用为您安排旅行保险。
- We study uncapacitated version of the minimum cost flow problem of one-commodity and two-commodity with not only fixed cost but also variable cost, and give them each a polynomial algorithm. 摘要本文研究了无容量限制的带固定费用和可变费用的单物资和二物资的最小费用流问题,并分别给出了多项式算法。
- Computer simulation shows that the algorithm is very effective for undersampled and noise undersampled wrapped phase that can't be unwrapped correctly by least-square and minimum cost flow algorithm. 计算表明:该算法可以对最小二乘和最小费用流算法不能展开的欠采样包裹相位和含有噪声欣采样包裹相位,进行有效的相位展开。
- Change minimum cost to manage back to default value 15000 or an appropriate value in your environment. 将要管理的最低成本改回默认值15000或您的环境中的适当值。
- These models can help designers simulate any system that uses the component, at minimum cost. 这些模型可帮助设计人员以最小的成本模仿使用组件的任何系统。
- Excellent salt removal at minimum cost and effectively aids dehydration of crude. 能有效地去除原油中的盐分和水分。
- If you try to buy cheap things and satisfy yourself with the minimum cost to live, then you have no worries about debt. 如果你尽量买便宜的东西,而且用最小的花费来满足自己的生活,那你就不用担心负债。
- But to video industry, discharge big cost is big, if income does not follow to go up, large flow perhaps is an evildoing. 但对于视频行业来说,流量大成本就大,如果收入跟不上,大流量也许就是一件坏事。”
- Insure resolution of day-to-day problems related to project execution at the minimum cost to the GTS division. 对项目成本进行控制,确保以最少的成本完成项目;
- Assures perfect alignment of disc and seat even at large flow velocities. 即使在大流速下,也能够确保阀瓣和阀座的精确对准。
- The traditional EOQ model only considers the minimum cost problem of the inventory from the point of the buyer. 经典的经济订货模型(EOQ)仅仅从买方的角度来考虑订货过程中的成本最小化问题。
- The BZ 740 pump is a high pressure and large flow axial plunger pump. 740泵是铝型材挤压机普遍使用的一种高压、大流量的斜轴式轴向柱塞泵。
- Remote method invocations exhibit highlatency: there is a fixed minimum cost, regardless of whether the invoked method does any work. 远程方法调用具有很长的延迟:不管被调用的方法是否成功,都有一个固定的最小开销。
- What counts at Matsushita, they learn, is knowing the customer and getting marketable products to the point of sale at minimum cost. 他们知道,松下公司关心的是了解顾客,并且把有销路的产品以最低的费用卖到销售点。
- Based on spanning tree algorithm that is suitable to data fusion, the principle and features of Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (MCST) is analyzed. 在适合数据融合的生成树算法的基础上,分析能够有效延长网络生命的最小代价生成树路由协议的原理和特点。
- Let G be a digraph.The two-objective optimal path problem is to find a path which has the maximum weight and minimum cost in G. 双目标最优路问题是指在一个图中找这样的路,使其权最大,费用最少。