- Prices and wages were badly out of line. 物价与工作非常不协调。
- The last remark was out of line. 最后一句话是不得体的。
- A youth organization in Mexico is trying to set the record for the world's longest clothesline . So far they have 70,000 articles hanging on 29 miles of line. 墨西哥一个青年组织试图创造一项世界纪录---最长晾衣绳.;目前;他们已经在29英里长的晾衣绳上晾了70000件衣服
- A youth organization in Mexico is trying to set the record for the world's longest clothesline. So far they have 70,000 articles hanging on 29 miles of line. 墨西哥一青年组织正在试图创造世界上最长的晾衣绳的记录,至今他们已在29英里长的晾衣绳上挂了七万件物品。
- Line A is four times the length of line B. 线条
- The village lies within a mile of the town. 这村子离城镇不到一英里。
- The resort have mile of safe sandy beach. 该胜地有几英里长的优质沙滩。
- Before them lay mile upon mile of desert. 把主语放在句尾。如:展现在他们面前的是一望无际的沙漠。
- The teacher warned them that she would punish anyone who stepped out of line. 老师警告他们说谁要不守规矩就罚谁。
- They were severely punished for being out of line. 他们因行为出格而受到严厉处罚。
- The railway traverses hundreds of miles of desert. 这条铁路贯穿数百英里的沙漠。
- The lake has several miles of shoreline. 这个湖有好几英里的湖岸线。
- Impact in variation of line impedance. 系统阻抗变化之影响。
- In1909 Russia possessed over41000 miles of railway. 1909年俄国有41000多英里的铁路。
- The next station: Guang Du, end of Line one. 下一站:广都,这是一号线终点站。
- Supply spindles out of line with yarn guide. 插纱锭与纱线通道不在一条直线上。
- His opinions are out of line with reality. 他的意见是不合实际的。
- Every mile of this road northward from Sianfu evokes memories of the rich and colorful pageant of his people. 在这条从西安府北去的大道上,每走一里路都会勾起他对本民族丰富多彩的绚烂历史的回忆。
- Out of line with the prevailing market level. 是指与现行行市不相符合。
- Bob: Your offer is out of line with market prices. 你方的报价高于市场价格。