They cling to the unprincipled safe middle of every issue. 他们对任何事情都严守不讲道德以求保险的折中立场。
The government is trying to steer a middle course between extra spending on defence and total disarmament. 政府试图在增加国防开支和全面裁军之间采取折中的办法。
The country steered a middle course. 那个国家走了一条中间道路。
Mr.Bush needs to do something far more difficult and more nuanced.He must begin to chart a middle course between an arbitrary exit timetable and an indefinite blank check. 布什先生面临的是一个更加困难和更加微妙的任务,他必须着手在武断的撤军时间表和含糊其辞的表态之间选择一条中间道路。