- Emulsified diesel fuel was tested in the presence of demulsifier, Observing the effects of various factors, the advanced process condition was defined. 对乳化柴油进行破乳试验,考察了各种影响因素,确定了最佳的工艺条件。
- Applied Research on Clean Fuel Emulsified Diesel Fuel in Diesel-Engined Vehicle 乳化柴油在柴油车上的应用研究
- emulsified diesel fuel 乳化柴油
- We shall not need any more second diesel fuel. 我们不再需要柴油了。
- Diesel fuel is low-grade and comparatively unrefined. 柴油引擎的燃料是等级且未精炼的。
- Utilization of rapeseed hull and production of bio diesel fuel. 菜籽皮壳的利用以及生物柴油的生产。
- Utilization of rapeseed hull and production of bio diesel fuel . 菜籽皮壳的利用以及生物柴油的生产。
- Only low sulphur content, 0.05 per cent, is permitted in motor diesel fuel. 柴油车辆也只限使用0.;05%25低含硫量柴油为燃料。
- Only low sulphur content,0.05 per cent,is permitted in motor diesel fuel. 柴油车辆也只限使用0.;05%25低含硫量柴油为燃料。
- You may also see some double-decker buses, which run on diesel fuel. 您还可以看见一些烧柴油的双层客车。
- emulsified diesel oil drilling fluid 乳化柴油钻井液
- Then diesel fuel oil is injected or sprayed into the cylinder at the end of the compression stroke. 然后在压缩冲程即将结束时,柴油燃料被喷射或被喷雾进入气缸。
- Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography, Test for (05. 用气相色谱法测定用过的柴油机油中柴油燃料稀释剂的试验(05。
- Water in diesel fuel emulsions - Determination of flash point - Cleveland open cup method. 柴油燃料乳剂中的水。闪点测定。开放杯法。
- Recently, aromatic saturation in distillate fractions specially in diesel fuel has received considerable attention. 摘要近年来石油(尤其是柴油)馏分脱除芳烃的问题受到越来越多的重视。
- Biological diesel is converted from plant oils, cthanol diesel is obtained by mixing ethanol and diesel, and the emulsified diesel is made from diesel and water mixing and emulsifying. 生物柴油由动植物油料转化而来;乙醇柴油由乙醇与柴油混合得到;乳化柴油由柴油与水混合乳化得到。
- In Europe it is mostly local rapeseed and sunflower oil, used to make diesel fuel. 在欧洲,生质燃料多半是当地油菜籽和葵花油,用来制造柴油燃料。
- The stabilization of GX - 105 diesel fuel stabilizator based on oxidation sediments and the color of LCO was studied. 研究了GX-105柴油稳定剂对催化柴油的氧化沉渣和色度的稳定作用。
- The vessel, loaded with 26,000 tons of diesel fuel, was on its way from northern France to Livorno in southern Italy. 事故发生时,该油船正满载26,000柴油自法国北部驶往意大利南部的里窝那。