- methyl fumaric acid 中康酸
- Keywords Methyl Fumarate (MMF);Dimethyl Fumarate;(DMF);Fumaric Acid;Maleic Anhydride;HPLC;Ion Pair;Preservative; 富马酸甲酯;富马酸二甲酯;富马酸;顺丁烯二酸酐;高效液相色谱法;离子对;防霉剂;
- A salt or ester of fumaric acid. 一种延胡索酸盐
- For example, fumarase catalyzes the interconversion of malic acid and fumaric acid. 如延胡羧酸酶能催化苹果酸和反丁烯二酸的可逆反应。
- Stearone glycol fumaric acid (SGF) was synthesized with maleicanhydride, cinnamyl alcohol and ethylene glycol. 由于烯二酸酐经醇解转型酯化途径合成了对皮肤无过敏反应的反丁烯二酸桂醇甘醇酯(SGF)。
- Stearone glycol fumaric acid (SGF) was synthesized with maleic anhydride, cinnamyl alcohol and ethylene glycol. 由于烯二酸酐经醇解转型酯化途径合成了对皮肤无过敏反应的反丁烯二酸桂醇甘醇酯(SGF)。
- Fumaric acid (trans-butenedioic acid) An unsaturated dicarboxylic acid, which occurs in many plants. 延胡索酸(反丁烯二酸):一种不饱和二羧酸,存在于许多植物体中。
- In this paper, the method of the synthesis of fumaric acid modified rosin was studied. 富马松香由富马酸对松香经过加成改性而成。
- The old recrystallization technology of fumaric acid has some shortages such as more suspension, lower yield etc. 针对富马酸重结晶过程中,漂浮物太多,产品粒度太小,已经不能适应现有生产方式,导致重结晶收率低;
- The quantity of fumaric acid in Sukebing oral liquid was analyzed with the method of thin layer scan. 采用薄层扫描法对速克痛口服液中反丁烯二酸进行定量分析,平均回收率96。
- Sucrose, Glucose Syrup (corn), Apple Pectin, Titanium Dioxide, Fumaric Acid, Citric Acid, Lactic Acid. 蔗糖; 葡萄糖; 苹果胶质; 二氧化钛; 反丁烯二酸; 柠檬酸; 乳酸等.
- Main products of the company are: Fumaric acid, titanium acid four different propyl ester. 南京华邦化工有限公司,主要产品有反丁烯二酸(即富马酸)、钛酸四异丙酯。
- A ion exchange resins was studies for the esterification of fumaric acid with methanol in this paper. 研究了以富马酸和甲醇为原料,强酸型离子交换树脂为催化剂合成富马酸二甲脂。
- Synthesis of dimethyfumarate( DMF) was studied with easterification of fumaric acid and methanol catalyzed by supported phospho tungstic acid catalyst( PW12). 以富马酸和甲醇为原料,用滑石分子筛固载磷钨酸催化合成富马酸二甲酯。
- The minimum inhibition concentration and the growth inhibition conditions of mannose methyl fumarate on bacillus, barm and mildew. 测定了反丁烯二酸甘露糖甲酯的最低抑菌浓度,以及对细菌、酵母和霉菌的生长抑制规律。
- The effects of the catalyst content, ratio of methanol to fumaric acid, reaction time and reaction temperature on the reaction were investigated. 讨论了催化剂用量、酸比、应时间、应温度等对合成富马酸二甲酯的影响。
- Mannose methyl fumarate with 3.2 DE was analyzed by UV spectrum, IR spectrum, Thin-layer chromatogram and Element analysis to assure its structure. 反丁烯二酸甘露糖甲酯经紫外光谱分析、红外光谱分析、薄层层析分离、元素分析,确认了其结构和混和组成,并给出了抗过敏性、溶解性等物化性质。
- Under this condition, COD of fumaric acid, camphor and mixing waste water decreased 96.2mg/L 162.2mg/L and 145mg/L, respectively. 在此最佳条件下,可使富马酸、樟脑、混合废水COD值分别降为96.;2mg/L、162
- Acidifier A_1 &A_2 were both composed with phosphorus acid(40%~50%), lactic Acid, citric acid, fumaric acid, cider acid, tartaric acid and excipient. 复合酸A_1和复合酸A_2是由磷酸、乳酸、柠檬酸、延胡索酸、苹果酸、酒石酸和赋形剂组成。
- The experiment of inhibiting activity shows that: glucosyl methyl fumarate and lactosyl methyl fumarate exhibited higher inhibiting activity for the grows of mixed cul... 抑菌活性试验结果表明:富马酸葡萄糖甲酯及富马酸乳糖甲酯对混合菌群的生长具有良好的抑制能力,其中富马酸葡萄糖甲酯的抑菌活性与富马酸单甲酯接近。