- metabolic causes heat loss 代谢因素散热
- metabolic causes heat production 代谢因素产热
- Thus heat loss is reduced efficiently. 因而有效地减少了热量损失。
- Foam insulation saves fuel by retarding heat loss. 泡沫隔离保温层通过阻止热量的流失,达到节约能源的目的。
- Preventing additional heat loss is crucial. 防止其他可能的热量损失是非常重要的。
- Metabolic causes include myasthenia gravis. Paralysis may also have psychiatric causes (see hysteria). 重症肌无力为引致神经肌肉机能障碍的代谢性疾
- Heat loss can be reduced by enclosing the boiler in walls made of firebricks. 把锅炉放在用耐火砖制成的墙中可以减少热量的散失。
- Installing double glazing can cut heat loss through windows by half. 安装双层玻璃窗可以减少一半的热量流失。
- One method of reducing heat loss is to wrap the baby in an insulating material. 减少热量损失的方法之一是用绝热材料来包裹婴儿。
- Heat losses can be reduced by means of firebricks. 炉热的损失可以用耐火砖来减少。
- Non-CFC Foam Insulation Foam insulation saves fuel by retarding heat loss. 不含氯氟烃的聚氨酯泡沫绝缘保温层这种泡沫绝缘保温层能够减少热量损失,节约能源。
- Her father put up storm windows throughout the house to cut down heat loss. 她的父亲在整个家里安上了双重保温窗来减少热量损失。
- The atmosphere moderates daytime temperature and retards nigh heat loss. 大气层能缓和白天气温的上升和阻止夜间热量的损耗。
- His viewpoints was cause heated argument. 他的观点引起激烈的争论。
- The power consumption,heat loss and lifetime of the furnaces are analyzed. 分析了三种高温炉的耗电量、散热量和使用寿命。
- Wall cavity insulation can be intalled to reduce heat loss in your home. 可以在你的房子里安装墙体中空隔热系统来减少热量损失。
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。
- Do you know the reason why there are heat losses in a steam engine? 你知道蒸汽机中存在热损耗的原因吗?
- To reduce heat losses the pipes are covered by thermal insulators. 为了减少热散失,管子外包保温层。
- The energy absorbed by the medium of the propagation path causes heating, leading to refraction index change that causes self-defocusing, which induces thermal blooming. 热晕使激光发生畸变,限制了激光能量在大气中的有效传输。