- His appearance is even more slovenly than usual. 他的样子比平常更为邋遢。
- I can't decipher his sloppy handwriting. 我无法辨认他那潦草的字迹。
- It is a headache to decipher his sloppy penmanship. 辨认他的潦草的字迹叫人头痛。
- I'd like to know who wished off this messy job on me. 我想知道是谁把麻烦的活推给我做的。
- He had no dealings with those slovenly easy riders. 他不与那些不修边幅,到处闲荡的人打交道。
- He disillusioned his fans by his sloppy play. 他草率的表演使他的崇拜者大失所望。
- The dinner was served in a slovenly manner. 这顿饭潦草地开了出来。
- First of all, it emphasizes that we should put our clothes away in a neat and orderly fashion, and not be sloppy or messy. 首先还是强调衣物的摆放要整洁有序,不要随随便便,邋邋遢遢的。
- The messy garden is in a state of neglect. 这个又脏又乱的花园处于无人管理的状态。
- She found herself in a messy spot. 她发现自己陷入了窘境。
- He grew lazy and slovenly in his habits. 他养成了懒散随便的习惯。
- She lectured him on his sloppy demeanor. 她谴责他那种草率的态度。
- Mother constantly picked at her for being sloppy. 母亲不断批评她懒散。
- It's a messy business having a tooth taken out. 拔牙会弄得人很脏。
- He was half elegant, half slovenly. 他是一半讲究,一半马虎。
- My boss criticized my sloppy personal appearance. 我的老板批评我穿得邋遢。
- Divorce, it seems, is always messy. 离婚似乎总是件很棘手的事。
- Your desk is always pretty messy. 你的办公桌总是乱七八糟。
- What a sloppy kitchen you have got! 你的厨房很不整洁啊!
- One can overdress as well as appear sloppy. 过度打扮以及显得邋遢都不好。