- An example of the triplex drilling pump calculated, the efficiency, friction power in all pairs and mechanical efficiency of pump are worked out. 文中通过对三缸单作用泵的实例计算给出了各运动付的效率、摩擦功率及泵的机械效平位。
- On the Mechanical Efficiency of Deep, Tropical Convection. 论深热带对流的机械有效性。
- The mechanical efficiency of this machine is very low, which leads to its failure in finishing its task every month. 这台机器的机械效率很低,每个月都完不成任务。
- E. Pennestri and F. Freudenstein, “The Mechanical Efficiency of Epicyclic Gear Trains,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 115, pp. 645-651, 1993. 黄文敏与黄玉莲,五速自动变速箱构造之设计,第二届全国机构与机器设计学术研讨会论文集,中华民国八十八年十二月。
- Lashing velocity of pump is concerned with nature of air. 泵的抽气速率与气体的性质有关。
- The flow in the pump suction sump is very complicated,especially in the intake,where there are many vortexes,which can cause cavitation,vibration and even the decrease of efficiency of pump station. 风机、水泵是发电厂的主要耗电设备,其中多数采用定速运行电动机驱动,加上配套裕量大等因素,在低负荷的运行条件下,节流损失大,风机和水泵效率低、电能浪费大。
- The efficiency of pumping for LVAD inlet inserted directly through apex of heart was better than that through atrium. LVAD输入导管可分别由心房和心尖置入的手术缝合方式,而由心尖置入的方式可得较佳的运转效率。
- assembly efficiency of pump station 泵站装置效率
- As a combiner, with low insert loss, this component could be used in optical communication and double cladding fiber laser to improve coupling efficiency of pumping light. 作为低插入损耗合波器件可广泛应用于光通信以及双包层光纤激光器抽运光的注入。
- If the efficiency of pumping unit was improved to meet the foreign standard, we would save more than 300 million yuan from the economization of electric energy consumption. 如果将抽油机运行效率提高到国外水平,每年可节省3亿元以上电费开支。
- The vacuum of pump to be confirmed. 泵真空提交。
- Friction lowers the efficiency of a machine. 摩擦减低机器的效率。
- Install drain hose to vent tube at bottom of pump. 在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。
- Based on the experiment,displayed the data of test port real time,including lift of pump,shaft power,output power,efficient of pump,NPSH,installing height and the max installing height. 试验完毕能由计算机根据采集的数据点采用曲线拟合方法绘制水泵的实际性能曲线,打印实验水泵的性能参数。
- He asked about the efficiency of the new machine. 他问到新机器的效率。
- To destroy or hinder the efficiency of; frustrate. 使不起作用使无效或限制其效力的发挥;阻挠、挫败
- Rick is six foot four tall and like a yard of pump water. 赖克身高6.;4英尺,但很瘦。
- Research and application show that the constraint liquid increasing unit can reduce stroke loss of pumping unit,which increases the efficiency of system and reduce energy consumption. 针对深层低渗油层能量较低的抽油机井研制了可以在低沉没度下工作的抽油井强制增液装置。
- How to improve the efficiency of a meeting? 如何提高开会的效率?