- meatus auditorius internus osseus 骨性内耳道
- meatus auditorius internus 内耳道
- meatus auditorius externus cartilagineus 软骨性外耳道
- meatus auditorius externus osseus 骨性外耳道
- meatus auditorius externus 外耳道
- meatus auditorius 耳道
- meatus acusticus internus osseus 骨性内耳道
- Any of the hairs growing at the entrance to the meatus of the external ear. 长在通向外耳耳道入口处的毛发
- The projection of skin-covered cartilage in front of the meatus of the external ear. 耳屏在外耳耳道前面的有皮肤覆盖的软骨突起
- Objective To understand minute anatomy and adjacent relationship of human internal acoustical meatus(IAM). 目的了解人类内听道的微细解剖,以及毗邻关系。
- Objective:To compare the efficacy of symmetrical and asymmetrical recession of internus in alternating esotropia. 目的:研究交替性内斜视的手术量。
- Auditory meatus, external The passageway leading from the outside of the head to the tympanic(eardrum)membrane. 由头外部(耳廓)至鼓膜的通道。
- The projection of skin - covered cartilage in front of the meatus of the external ear. 耳屏在外耳耳道前面的有皮肤覆盖的软骨突起
- Its center is2cm above and 1cm anterior to the su-perior and anterior edge of the externalacoustic meatus. 颅侧面最大的超声窗位于颞骨鳞部;其中心点位于外耳门前上缘上方2cm 偏前1cm 处.
- The inner third of the meatus acusticus externus osseus of the ox bends ventrolaterally about 30 degrees. 正>文献中关于牛、羊、猪等家畜听觉器官的资料很少,有些也非常简略。
- There were 3 specimens(3/40, 7.5%) whose base ring of cochlea extensed into internal acoustic meatus(IAM). 40侧标本中有3侧(7.;5%25)耳蜗底周突入到内听道(internal acoustic meatus,IAM)内。
- Results: The extremities of the piriformis, gemellus superior. obturator internus and gemellus inferior formed conjoined tendon. 结果:梨状肌腱和闭孔内肌上、下孖肌总腱的末段形成联合腱,闭孔外肌腱独立附着,臀中肌腱附着区后部增厚强韧;
- Hypospadias is a birth defect of the urethra in the male that involves an abnormally placed urethral meatus (opening). 什麽是'尿道下裂-安置尿道下表面开放的阴茎'?
- Poly ps in superior and middle meatus may cause bone absorption and decalcification. 中上鼻道息肉可以引起邻近骨质吸收脱钙。
- In the base intracavity there is vessel of storing stool and in the back there is cleaning meatus and venting meatus. 底座内腔设有储便槽,并在背面设有抽粪口和排污口。