- Print all measured data out at same Time. 检测数据纪录打印一次完成。
- De-noising method based on multi-resolution theory of wavelet is applied to dispose the metrical data of magnetic coating pachometer.The effect is well. 基于小波变换的多尺度分析理论,将小波去噪技术应用于磁感应原理的涂层测厚信号的处理中,能够较好的滤除噪声;
- Through comparing the results to the practical metrical datum of the same overseas equipment,structural rationality of imitational equipment can be ... 所得结果与国外同类设备的实测数据进行比较,验证拟开发设备结构的合理性,为进一步的开发设计提供了理论依据。
- The results from this equation of Karman constant agree with measured data. 该卡门常数的理论公式与实测资料较为吻合。
- It is better way to estimate the soil AWC through a few measured data. 运用少量的已知数据,构建土壤AWC经验估算模型是一种较好的方法,简单可行。
- Abstract: De-noising method based on multi-resolution theory of wavelet is applied to dispose the metrical data of magnetic coating pachometer.The effect is well. 文章摘要: 基于小波变换的多尺度分析理论,将小波去噪技术应用于磁感应原理的涂层测厚信号的处理中,能够较好的滤除噪声;
- How to analyze the metrics data? 度量数据如何分析?
- The comparisons and summarizations of the measured data are also carried out. 并对实测资料进行了对比和概述。
- Finally, after an interactive processing system is developed based on VC++ on windows, it is applied for the metrical datum of all kinds of plastic products of motorcycle. 最后,根据理论研究结果,在Window NT/98平台上采用Visual C++进行系统开发,并应用于一系列摩托车外观塑件测量数据的检验处理。
- The microwave power meter adopts dynamic calibration method and reduces request of the memory space and time expenses of the processor which can have more resource to deal with the metrical data. 在微波功率计标定中采用动态标定方法,有效地降低了存储器空间要求和处理器时间开销,处理器有更多的资源进行测量数据处理。
- The measured datums from local site are explored carefully. 然后对现场所采集的实测沉降数据进行分析;
- For generation of net inputs, the metrical data need to be transferred. Input: Well Code-W, Oil Group?OG, Small Layer?SL, Sand-STo the Sand named by W,OG,SL and S, get the top height ?STOP, bottom height-SBOTTOM, depth-SHEIGHT. 为了根据测井数据生成网络输入,以及进行数字测井曲线的绘制,需对单砂体范围内的测井数据进行转换,算法如下:输入:井号W、油层组OG、小层编号SL、单砂体编号S对于由W、OG、SL、S确定的单砂体,从数据库中取出砂层顶深STOP、砂层底深SBOTTOM、砂层厚度SHEIGHT。
- The numbering print provides the sequential numbering. By pressing GO key, print measured data with number. 编号打印可以显示一系列的编号。按下GO键可以打印编号的测量数据。
- In the value table the measured data, which are shown in the graphic, were shown as values. 在数值表里,如图所示,测出的数据对应其值。
- Is the test and inspection measurement data recorded in the report? 检查报告是否有记录检查数据?
- NURBS surface reconstruction of measuring data points. 研究了测量点数据的NURBS曲面重构。
- The paper introduces the strucure andgives measured data of the energy-saving AC arc welding mchine as well. 介绍了所研制的节能交流弧焊机的结构及实测数据
- It can be saved daylong calibration and measure data. 它可以保存一整天的校准和测量数据。
- SP1.3: Specify how measurement data will be obtained and stored. 制定度量数据的收集及存储办法。
- SP1.4: Specify how measurement data will be analyed and reported. 制定度量数据的收集及存储办法。