- It also introduces the characteristic of abradant efflux cutting,the construction of cutting equipment and material supply system. 同时介绍了磨料射流切割特点,切割设备的组成、供料系统。
- Applications of Programmable Logical Controller in Material Supply System of Paper Mill 可编程控制器在造纸厂原料供应系统中的应用
- Study on material supply system in transit enterprises 公交企业材料供应体系的研究
- Analysis of the Reform of Large-Size Coal Enterprises'Material Supply System 大型煤炭企业物资供应体制改革浅析
- Power Supply System to Far end D. 接入网远端设备供电方式的探讨。
- Heat supply system outline/layout (drawing)? 供热系统概述/布局(图)?
- Japan is dependent upon other countries for their material supply. 日本在原料供应方面要依靠别的国家。
- Study of Engineering Aseismic Levels in Water Supply System? 供水系统抗震设防标准的研究?
- They do not depend on an external hydraulic supply system. 无需外部液压供应。
- As the material supply, the southern pine timberwork system offers landscape designers an ecological way on the side of material circulation and energy consume. 美国南方松木构系统作为材料供应在物质循环和能量消耗方面,为设计师特别是景观设计师提供了良好的生态环保途径。
- Have the emergency power supply system and lighting facility; k. 有应急供电系统和应急照明设施;
- Turn off the water supply system at night and on holidays. 供水系统在夜间及假期应予关闭。
- So it is urgent to develop LIS and as main part of LIS, Material Supply Management (MSM) system provides data to support the decision of company managers. 而物资供应系统作为物流信息系统的主要部分,为企业领导决策提供数据支撑。
- Geberit provides complex piping material and metal piping used in supply system with high cleanliness, good quality and easy installation. 吉博力提供应用于供给系统的复合管材和金属管材,高清洁性,高品质保证,安装非常简便。
- Surge Arrester for AC power supply systems. 应用于交流电源系统的防雷保护;
- For the present, we have to practise the supply system of distribution. 现在我们也只能实行供给制。
- The purpos of this paper is to study the technology flowdheet and related design method of the supply system of heat with the heat trans for material for continuous distillation. 本文研究在双塔连续精馏中采用载热体加热的工艺流程及设计中应注意的问题。
- For the present,we have to practise the supply system of distribution. 现在我们也只能实行供给制。
- XiaoyiCityboasts abundant raw material supply and a benign investment environment. Risks are relatively low. 孝义原材料充足,投资环境好,风险相对小。
- Special material supply and service support are provided by the services and arms through their organic channels. 专用物资供应和专用勤务保障由军兵种按建制系统组织实施。