- An awkward driver carelessly ran into and damaged a family car on a highway. 有个蹩脚的司机在公路上粗心大意地撞毁了一辆家用汽车。
- A family on a budget can't afford meat every day. 经济拮据的家庭不能每天享用肉食。
- That clock is a family heirloom. 那个座钟是祖传下来的。
- It's difficult raising a family on a small income. 依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。
- He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
- This restaurant is a family concern. 这家饭店是由一家人经营的。
- She speaks to me in a family way. 她对我说话和家里人一样随便。
- Isn't taking a dog into a family a health hazard? 难道把狗带到家中不会有碍健康吗?
- Across the street, a family scurried into gear. 街对面的邻居家也忙碌起来了,但今天不同于往日。
- marriage into (a family) 结婚后成为(家庭的)一员
- Don't intrude in a family dispute. 不要介入家庭争端。
- He refused to lumber himself with a family. 他不愿有家室拖累。
- Provide food and shelter for a family. 为家庭提供食物和住宿
- How can I keep a family on such a miserable wage? 我怎么能靠这少得可怜的工资养家?
- Can you remember a family in northeastern man? 你能想起一个家在东北的人吗?
- I pity anyone who has to feed a family on such a low income. 我同情任何需要以如此微薄的收入养活全家的人。
- This autocracy was confirmed and perpetuated by the overthrow of mother-right, the introduction of father-right, and the gradual transition of the pairing marriage into monogamy. 这种独裁,由于母权制的倾覆、父权制的实行、对偶婚制向一夫一妻制的逐步过渡而被确认,并且永久化了。
- They want to start a family but can't afford it at the moment. 他们想生个孩子,但暂时还养不起。
- Does music gift always run in a family? 音乐天赋是不是总会为一家人共有呢?
- A diagram showing a family lineage; a family tree. 宗谱一个显示家庭后裔情况的图表