- marine drilling technology 海上钻井工艺
- Sedco was one of the world's largest international marine drilling contractors. 赛德公司是世界上最大的钻采承包商。
- But the underbalance drilling technology on diesel tail gas i... 但该技术不适应产水气井,也不适于高压气井。
- Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Marine drilling riser couplings. 钻井和采油设备-海上钻井隔水导管联轴器。
- This drilling fluid meets the requirements of aerated drilling technology. 该钻井液可满足充气工艺要求。 此外,该钻井液密度连续可调。
- These characteristics make roughneck applied idealized in land and small marine drilling work. 重量轻、尺寸小使得铁钻工能在 陆地钻井和小型海洋钻井中得到理想应用。
- Jackup mast for marine drilling operation realizes hoisting of the mast by means of the pulley mechanism on the lower part of the mast. 自升式井架是目前海洋钻井工程中应用较多的新型井架,它利用井架底段的滑轮机构进行井架的起升操作。
- Vibration and offset of riser system in marine drilling under the alternating action of wave force, if terrible, may cause failure of drilling tools and break-off of drilling. 海洋钻井隔水管在交变载荷波浪力作用下发生振动,从而偏离原来的位置,严重时可使钻具遭到破坏,造成钻井中断。
- The responses including primary resonance induced by current and the composite resonance under combined wave-current for the marine drilling risers of the Donghai 3 are studied. 以东海勘探3号钻井隔水套管为例,研究了流引起的主共振和波流联合引起的组合共振。
- Application of ultra-short radius radial wells drilling technology in wei-5 well. 超短半径辐射分支水平钻井技术在韦5井的应用
- The results show that the drilling technology of forming DTH hamer has developping prospect. 结果表明,泡沫潜孔锤钻进技术有著广泛的应用前景。
- Underbalanced drilling technology can increase ROP and decrease formation damage,so it is increasingly used worldwide. 欠平衡钻井技术可以降低地层损害、提高机械钻速,所以在世界范围内被逐渐采用。
- But the fourth spudding has been completed because of applying the no_plugging drilling technology. 采用无封堵钻井技术,顺利地完成了该井四开钻进任务。
- The oil-well exploitations were improved rapidly with the development of drilling technology on horizontal well. 水平井钻井技术的发展使油井开采技术有了更大进步。
- Rotating Control Head(RCH)is a critical equipment used for underbalanced drilling technology. 现国内各大油田使用的旋转控制头均是从国外引进 ,价格昂贵。
- Such drilling technology is untested, and digging these wells will require expert guidance. 这种钻孔技术还未经过测试,开凿这样的井也需要专业指导。
- Drilling technology has improved, allowing tunnels to be dug without breaking the surface. 在钻孔技术发达的今天,打通地下隧道已经不会伤及地表了。
- The MBHW04 is the first well using geometry steerable drilling technology in China. 新疆油田MBHW04水平井是国内第一口使用地质导向钻井技术的井。
- The LWD's important value is proved by the practice of geosteering drilling technology. 地质导向钻井技术的应用体现了随钻测井资料的重要工程价值。