- marine aneroid barometer 船用空盒气压表
- An instrument for determining elevation, especially an aneroid barometer used in aircraft that senses pressure changes accompanying changes in altitude. 测高仪,高度计一种测量高度的仪器,尤指飞机中的无液气压表,其可以测出伴随高度变化的压力变化
- Product feature: Aneroid Barometer with silver color aluminum case and PMMA lens. Display show barometric press in mmHg and hectro-Pascal and weather forecast symbols. 银色合金铝外圈;塑胶透镜;大的显示面板;双刻度气压指示带有太阳和雨云标识.
- self-recording aneroid barometer 自记无液气压计
- Fixed cistern barometers are used as a standard for checking aneroid barometers. 固定槽式气压计可以作为标准件去检验无液气压计。
- an instrument for determining elevation,especially an aneroid barometer used in aircraft that senses pressure changes accompanying changes in altitude 一种测量高度的仪器,尤指飞机中的无液气压表,其可以测出伴随高度变化的压力变化
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物长在海底。
- creeping of aneroid barometer 空盒气压表的滞后现象
- Water pollution imperils all kinds of marine life. 水质污染危及所有海洋生物。
- America had the largest mercantile marine. 美国当时拥有最大的商船队。
- The rocks are covered by marine plants. 岩石被海生植物所覆盖。
- aneroid barometer for plateau 空盒气压计
- Are there any other clauses in marine policies? 海运险还包括其它条款吗?
- This lesson pertains to marine animals. 这一课讲海洋动物。
- recording aneroid barometer 自记无液气压计
- aneroid barometer 无液气压表,空盒气压表,膜盒式气压计,高原空盒气压计,空盒气压计,膜盒气压计
- The mercury in the barometer is rising. 气压计的水银柱正在上升。
- A large aquarium for the study or display of marine life. 海洋水族馆研究或陈列海洋生物的巨大水族馆
- Air pressure is measured by a barometer. 空气压力用气压计度量。
- The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions. 由于预算的限制,海军陆战队开始裁员。