- Such the love whether to become erroneous of theory by person? 这样的爱是不是会成为慌谬的点论?
- The magpie is lucky bird therefore also by person intention. 喜鹊因此也被人意为吉祥鸟。
- Excellent staff: Stick by company, Stick by vocation, Stick by personality. 优秀的职员:忠于公司、忠于职业、忠于人格。
- However, many blind people are unsuited by personality to work with dogs. 然而,许多盲人由于个性原因无法适应与狗事。
- His judgementwas uncoloured by personal prejudice. 他的判断并不带有个人成见。
- His judgement was uncoloured by personal prejudice. 他的判断并不带有个人成见.
- Inelegant park men and women behavior is looked askance at really by person! 首页>>图片猎奇>>公园男女不雅行为真让人侧目!
- The leaders must set an example by personally taking part. 领导必须要身体力行。
- She is so consummate!.I worry about that she is too consummate but are envied by person really. 西蒙:她什么都好,我真担心她太完美而遭人嫉妒。
- Don't let your judgement be coloured by personal feelings. 不要让你的判断受到个人感情的影响。
- Conclusion NUD may be induced by high LCU, mediated by NC, and influenced by personality. 结论高生活事件单位通过消极应对方式的中介可能诱发NUD,并受个性特征的影响。
- Not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses. 不以物喜,不以己悲。
- Associated with or frequented by persons of fashion. 时髦人士的与时髦人士有联系或经常为时髦人士光顾的
- Acts of sabotage were carried out by persons unknown. 这些蓄意破环是由不明人士造成的。
- He fancied himself surrounded by persons who adored him. 他似乎觉得他周围的人个个都是崇拜他的人。
- She couldn't let her judgement be coloured by personal feelings. 她不能让她的判断受个人感情色彩的影响。
- Limited by person,number,tense,and mood. Used of a verb that can serve as a predicate or the initial element of one. 限定的,定式的由人、数、时态和情感限定的。用作谓语或谓语开头部分的动词
- Limited by person, number, tense, and mood.Used of a verb that can serve as a predicate or the initial element of one. 限定的,定式的由人、数、时态和情感限定的。用作谓语或谓语开头部分的动词
- Our problems produce by person, so it can be resolved by person. So, one can achieve whatever he want to achieve. 我们的问题都是人为的,所以都能用人力解决。此外,一个人想成就多大目标,就可以成就多大目标。
- You like that person is to pay out with kind, it is a kind of gains that you like by person. 你喜欢人是以种付出,你被人喜欢是一种收获。