- Can you sue for malpractice and negligence? 你可以控告渎职和失职?
- She sued her doctor for malpractice. 她控告她的医生失职。
- This strikes me as malpractice . 我想这肯定是失职行为。
- Nikko's standing had been badly undermined by auditing malpractice. 日兴的信誉受其审计丑闻影响而大大受损。
- The malpractice of going in for "back door" deals became common. 后门成风。
- The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice. 这位护士长由于玩忽职守被降职为普通护士。
- The malpractice of going in for"back door" deals became common. 走后门成了一种风气。
- What is the first step in pursuing a medical malpractice claim? 、医疗过失诉讼中,应该从何开始,第一步应该做些什么?
- Due to malpractice a large quantity of money was wasted. 由于玩忽职守,浪费了大量财力。
- These two kinds of standards all have its huge malpractice. 为解决军功制度的弊端,明人也提出了一些建议。
- Your pregnancy is not the result of the doctor\'s malpractice. 你的怀孕不能归咎于医生的失职。
- Too bad his usual cases are of the boring malpractice and fraud variety. 他通常的案子都是些令人生厌的失职、诈骗之类的。
- Various malpractice by police officer are brought to light by the enquiry. 警察的各种不法行为经调查已揭露出来。
- The cause of the defects is malpractice in political and economic system. 其原因是政治、经济体制方面的弊端。
- A doctor who refused to give treatment is on trial for medical malpractice. 一位曾拒绝医疗的医师因有渎医职而在接受审判。
- Objective To study how to judge duty degree in medical malpractice expertize. 目的研究医疗事故鉴定中责任程度的判定。
- I've heard that lawsuits take a long time. Is that true with malpractice cases? 、听说法律诉讼一般都拖延很长时间,医疗过失的诉讼的也需要很长时间才能解决么?
- How to treat the disputed medical records in malpractice identification? 如何处理医疗事故技术鉴定中的争议病历?
- What are the common malpractice vulnerable areas in sales and marketing? 销售与市场推广工作有哪些常见舞弊贪污情况?
- The fear of being sued for malpractice has magnified physicians' defensiveness. 担心因医疗事故而被起诉的恐惧加剧了医生们的防卫心理。