- That is to say, at present the profit pattern of domestic gregarious website still has no big breakthrough, advertisement still holds major income source. 也就是说,目前国内社交网站的盈利模式还未有大的突破,广告仍占据大部分收入来源。
- major income source 主要收入来源
- The analyst bets say, gregarious network will become main new income source. 有分析师打赌称,社交网络将成为主要的新收入来源。
- Do I pay tax on my income sourced from Japan? 我的境外收入纳税吗?
- Securities trading commission serves as important income source of securities brokers. 证券交易佣金是证券经纪商收入的重要来源。
- The Everyman that waits in major income is hated to part with buy thousands of yuan of a piece fitness check, also can not afford on 10 thousand yuan of fitness implement. 大部分收入中等的普通人都舍不得买几千元一张的健身卡,也买不起上万元一套的健身器。
- Special interests can form on the basis of income source, income size, industry, region, or personal characteristics. 特殊利益集团的形成是基于收入来源,收入的规模,行业,地区,还有个人的特征。
- Any revolt over price hikes could intensify the crisis by depriving institutions of a key income source, say banks. 反对银行提高费率可能会令银行丧失重大的收入来源,从而加剧危机。
- In order to seek the new income source, the telecommunication operator turns sight to the market of data business with enormous potentiality. 为了寻求新的收益来源,电信运营商将目光转向潜力巨大的数据业务市场。
- According to income source prorata, the obtain employment opportunity that the net that clean out treasure creates directly is 380 thousand about. 按照收入来源比例分配,淘宝网直接创造的就业机会约为38万个。
- There are several type of ports in the game. The primary trade ports are goods, ore, organics and energy ports. As a trader these are your income source ports. 游戏中的港口分为几种不同种类。主要的贸易港口是货物,矿石,有机物,和能量港口。作为商人这些是你的收入来源港口。
- Last year also proved that market demands for baby and children shoes were much more stable in tough market conditions, making this product category a reliable income source. 虽然去年市场环境艰困,但婴儿及儿童鞋的需求仍然稳定,令童鞋产品系列成为集团可靠的收入来源。
- At the time of the acquisition, Acacia had already secured a service contract with a reputable growing property agency in Shanghai as a steady income source. 集团收购Acacia时,后者已成功取得上海一家地产代理的服务合约,此地产代理正不断发展,合约已成为公司的稳定收入来源。
- Because inland trade growth of China exceeds the growth level at exit, china hands in easy market to achieve driving growth continuously, become mainer income source. 由于中国的国内贸易增长超于出口的增长水平,中国交易市场持续实现强劲增长,并成为更重要的收入来源。
- The January transfer deadline passed without any major incomings for the Reds, but Sir Alex Ferguson says he is comfortable with the squad he has. 曼联冬季转会没有什么多大的收获,但老爵爷对现在的阵容似乎很乐观。
- Website operation person the reason that can be affected is, software of this one Trojan horse can make their visit user decreases, affect their income source thereby. 网站运营者会受到影响的原因是,这一特洛伊木马软件会使他们的访问用户减少,从而影响到他们的收入源。
- Begin to make a few alliance next, for instance of GG and so on, also began to have constant income source, the daily cost such as the server can be maintained basically. 然后开始做一些联盟,比如GG之类的,也开始有了一定的收入来源,服务器等日常的费用基本都能维持。
- When farmers" main economic income source is either forests or forestry land, their interests in participating forestation usually are higher relatively. 当农户的主要经济收入来源是来自林地,来自森林时,农户参与造林积极性肯定高。
- Our fall sorghum harvest has become a Sandhill tradition.Not only is sorghum syrup our biggest agricultural income source, it's also one of our main social events of the year. 我们的高粱秋收已经成为沙丘鹤的经典传统,不仅高粱糖浆是我们最大的农业收入来源,而且是我们一年里的主要社会事件。
- Seventhly, the lesson fee of public centers a main income source and because they can share education resources with kindergarten and expenditure is less. 另外,私立机构存在收费标准合理性,出资人取得收益的比例和提取教育发展基金的比例的合法性问题。