- Main protection scheme for the generating units of Nuozhadu Hydropower Station 糯扎渡水电站机组主保护方案
- A comprehensive survey of the main protection scheme for three gorges hydraulic power plant generator No.1 At internal faults 三峡电站1号发电机内部故障主保护配置方案综观
- main protection scheme 主保护
- American Express Bank is a member of the Deposit Protection Scheme. 美国运通银行是存款保障计划的成员。
- Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to implement G729A algorithm on TMS320C54x in real time and design an effective protect scheme to enhance its error robustness. 论文的主要任务是在TMS320C54x上实时实现G.;729A算法,并设计和实现有效保护该声码器的方案以增强其噪声鲁棒性。
- I am informed of the Student Protection Scheme and I choose to opt in / out of it. 我已被告知此学生保护计划内容,我选择加入/不加入此项计划。
- The main protection targets, as Waterfowl Habitat to the Great Lakes region as the main body of the wetland ecosystem. 其主要保护对象,是作为水禽栖息地的以湖区为主体的湿地生态系统。
- There is a simple protection scheme (2 bytes) that prevents uploading a .TPL file from a different hardware configuration to the Unit. 有一个简单的保护配置(两个字节)可以防止从一个不同的硬件配置上载一个.;TPL文件到机器中。
- The main protection for black-necked cranes and other migratory birds and their habitat. 主要保护对象为黑颈鹤等候鸟及其栖息环境。
- The main protection targets are Qilianshan water conservation forest, grassland vegetation. 主要保护对象是祁连山水源涵养林、草原植被。
- There is also a topical section that focuses on issues of topical interest: the focus at present is the recently launched Deposit Protection Scheme. 另亦设有专题环节,当前的主题是最近推出的存款保障计划。
- Commitment of Student Protection Scheme (MDIS has adopted the NTUC Student Tuition Fee Insurance Scheme for its students). 学生保护计划承诺(MDIS采用了NTUC学生学费保护计划).
- With main protection of against overload, overvoltage and antiphase, overheat of compressor, abnormal refrigerant and electroic leakage, etc. 漏电保护,超压逆相保护,压缩机热保护,冷媒异常保护,漏电流保护等等
- With the data generated by this internal fault simulation model, the protection scheme used for powerformer can be validated and improved accordingly. 利用该模型可以对高压发电机的保护方案进行有效的验证或者作相应的改进。
- "Beijing Poly property-related personnel for home buyers in Shanghai Poly launch of the" price protection scheme ", said. 北京保利地产有关人员针对上海保利置业推出的“价格保障计划”这样表示。
- The main protection system in the sole makes our boot very flexible and manoeuvrable compared to other anti-personnel landmines boots currently available in the market. 靴底的主要保护结构使我们的靴子与目前市场上供应的其他防雷靴相比,显得更柔软及灵便。
- Selected the bitmap of original map as important feature and proposed a new public-key image copyright protection scheme based zero-watermark. 选择原始图像的二值化比特图作为重要特征,利用逻辑运算变换与加密实现版权标志的存在。
- Free radical damage has long been suspected as a culprit in aging, and mitochondria are both the primary source of free radicals in a cell and the main protection against them. 长久以来,科学家一直怀疑自由基损伤是老化的罪魁,而且线粒体既是细胞内自由基的主要来源,也是防御自由基的主要屏障。
- The main protection in the regionAs for the sub-tropical moist Zhongshan Permanent green broad-leaved forest ecosystems, and gibbons, green peacocks and other rare wild animals. 该区域的主要保护对象为亚热带中山湿性常驻绿阔叶林生态系统以及长臂猿、绿孔雀等珍贵野生动物。
- If you send your data outside the PRC, third party use of your personal information may not be covered by PRC law or an applicable privacy protection scheme. 如果您将自己的数据发到中华人民共和国以外,使用您的个人信息的第三方可能不受中华人民共和国法律或适用的隐私保护计划的管辖。