- This church is the main object of his interest. 他最感兴趣的是这座教堂。
- We have succeeded in our main objectives. 我们已经成功地达到了主要目标。
- The building is the main object of his interest. 他最感兴趣的是这栋建筑物。
- My main objection to the plan is that it would be too expensive. 我反对该计画的主要理由是代价太高。
- The main objective is to protect the depositor. 主要的目标是保护存款人。
- It is tangential to our main objective. 这与我们主要目的有偏离。
- Its reduction became Gaja Mada's main objective. 使其降服,成了卡查·玛达的主要目标。
- We outlined our main objections to the proposal. 我们扼要地说明了反对该建议的意见。
- The main object of the catalogues was to provide inventories of stock rather than finding list or bibliographical tools. 目录的主要目的是为藏书编制财产登记而不是作为检索表或书目工具。
- I manage this website from my own volition, so please understand that my job and my fans are not the main object. 我做这个网页因为我个人想要做网页。这不是为了工作或支持者,请了解。
- The main object of religion is not to get a man into heaven, but to get heaven into him. 宗教的主要目的不在于让人进入天堂,而在于让天堂进入人的心中。
- Our own happiness ought not, of course, to be our main object, nor indeed will it ever be secured if selfishly sought. 当然,我们自己的快乐不应该认为是我们的主要目标,而且,如果我们自私自利地去谋取个人的快乐,不一定真的就能得到快乐。
- The main objection to the plan was that it would cost too much. 反对这个计划的主要理由是费用过高。
- My main objection to the plan is that it costs too much. 我反对该计划的主要理由是它费用太高。
- Exchange Rate: The Main Objective of the Monetary Policy? 转轨过程中我国银行业市场结构与绩效的实证分析?
- Abstract Language variation is the key concept of sociolinguistics and its main object of study. 提要 语言变异是社会语言学的核心概念和最主要的研究对象。
- Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main objective. 在任何情况下, 我们都不能忘记自己的宗旨。
- The cultivation in good taste is our main objective. 培养高雅情趣是我们的主要目标。
- What are the main objectives and responsibilities of the position? 这一岗位的主要目标和责任是什么?
- But Eogene aquifer cannot be taken as the main objective formation. 下第三系含水层不能作为供水的主要目的层,但能提供高温热水,可作为供热热源。