- A rebel faction has split away from the main group. 一帮反叛者从核心组织中分裂了出去。
- The population breaks down into three main groups. 人口可分成三个主要的群族
- Incompetence never approved! The main group of owners have no more than face! 无能者绝不批!主群主都无面比!
- The advance party have gone forward to see if the mountain is safe for the main group of the climbers. 先遣队已出发,去观察这座山对登山大队是否安全。
- Would you like to go on with the advance party,or wait here with the main group? 你愿意和先遣队一块先走,还是和大队一起在这里等?
- Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. 一句和文中提到的四大类食物可以推断。
- What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples? 土著主要有那三类?
- The World Bank has divided NGOs into three main groups. 世界银行把NGO划分成主要的三部分。
- What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoplea? 土箸主要有哪三类?
- Marketing experts have divided singletons into four main groups. 市场专家们将单身一族分成四组。
- Would you like to go on with the advance party, or wait here with the main group? 你愿意和先遣队一块先走,还是和大队一起在这里等?
- On the final day of a trek in Tajikistan, my wife and I split from the main group. 在塔吉克斯坦徒步旅行的最后一天,我和妻子与大部队分开了。
- First, you create a custom show that includes slides in the main group, then you create separate custom shows for each supporting group. 首先,创建一种包含主幻灯片组中的幻灯片的自定义放映,然后为每个支持的分组创建单独的自定义放映。
- Those two cultural controntations and their aftermath incurred the southeast movement of the main group of Xia people and eventually the establishment of the Xia dynasty. 这两次大的冲突及其余波 ,直接导致了夏人主体东南向移动并终致创建夏王朝
- The report says three main groups are driving the spread of AIDS in Asia. 该报告指出,驱使艾滋病在亚洲蔓延的主要有三个群体。
- The report says three main groups are driving the spread rates of AIDS in Aisa. 报告说在亚洲主要有三个组织驱使着艾滋病的传播。
- The report says three main groups are driving the * spread of AIDS in Aisa. 报道称,现存三种主要群体导致了AIDS在亚种的传播。
- In granaries the tyroglyphida and cheyletida Catching acarid mites, which Consisted the main group of stored product mites make up about 70% of the total. 粮食仓库里的粉螨;以及以粉螨为食的肉食螨;两者构成了储粮螨类的主体;约占整个储粮螨类的70%25.
- In many training set-ups, the main group breaks into units of as few as ten people who meet separately for awhile, then reconvene in the main meeting room. 在很多培训会议中,大组经常分成10人左右的小组进行讨论,然后再集合到大会议室进行讨论。
- The dicotyledons diverged at an early stage of their evolution into two main groups. 双子叶植物在演化的早期阶段就已分化为两大支派。