- a maddening delay at the airport. 在机场上令人恼火的一再拖延
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- Her oscillations in mood are maddening. 她喜怒无常能把人气疯。
- The box has spat forth maddening nine- second sound bite. 电视机已经整整吐放了九秒钟令人疯狂的插播。
- maddening delays 令人非常气恼的延误
- Ten days should be a big enough leeway to allow for delays. 把耽搁考虑在内,增加十天时间是绰绰有余的了。
- His plans have suffered repeated delays. 他的计划屡遭拖延。
- The box has been spitting forth maddening nine-second sound bites. 电视机已经整整吐放了九秒钟令人疯狂的插播。
- Strikebound travellers face long delays this weekend. 因罢工而受阻的旅客本周末要耽搁很长时间了。
- How maddening to have your younger brother tower over you, at his age, too! 你弟弟小小的年龄竟高出你一大截,真令人恼火!
- The companies were greatly inconvenienced by the postal delays. 邮件延误给这些公司造成极大不便。
- After several delays, he finally set out at 8 o'clock. 几经耽搁,他终于在八点钟出发了。
- Better marry over the madden than over the moor. 陌生人中勿择妻。
- A heavy lorry has jack-knifed on the motorway, causing long delays. 一辆重型铰接货车在高速公路上撞成V字形,耽搁了很长时间。
- We'd better start earlier. We should allow for traffic delays. 我们还是早些动身为好。我们要考虑到路上交通会有耽搁。
- Heavy fog is causing serious delays of all incoming flights. 浓雾造成了降落班机严重的误点。
- The police are warning (motorists) of possible delays. 警方通知(驾驶汽车的人)交通可能受阻。
- Most maddening of all is Amanda. 最最让人受不了的是阿曼达。
- Her laziness is quite maddening. 她很懒惰; 真气人.
- It is a maddening job Mr Ban has won. 潘基文赢得的工作足以令人发狂。