- Macrobiotics adhere to a diet consisting primarily of whole grains and beans. 长寿饮食法主要是食用含胚芽和麸的谷物及豆类食品。
- Unfortunately, macrobiotics didn't really work for her, so she decided that her diet, despite being organic and meat-free, wasn't healthy enough. 不幸的是,长寿饮食法对她根本就不起作用,所以,尽管她的饮食都是有机物且不含荤腥,但仍被她认定为不够健康。
- Japanese macrobiotics suggest taking brown rice as half of the whole intake, with vegetables, beans and seaweeds and a small amount of fish. 日本的长寿者更建议糙米占每餐食物的一半量,其馀再搭配蔬菜、豆类、海藻类和少量的鱼类。
- "You know what?I reckon I had a much harder time in the 60s trying to persuade people about the benefits of macrobiotics than I have so far had in convincing people about the powers of the sun. 他哈哈笑道:“你知道吗?比起我这些年要使人相信太阳的神力来,在60年代那会儿,要说服人们相信养生饮食的好处更难嗬。”
- of or relating to the theory or practice of macrobiotics 属于或关于长寿的理论和实践的
- of or relating to the theory or practice of macrobiotics. 属于或关于长寿的理论和实践的。
- macrobiotics n. 长寿法
- biothalmy n. 长寿术