- The machine stops and starts at a touch. 这机器一触即可停止或开动。
- The machine stop work because of the humidity. 由于潮湿机器出故障了。
- The machine stopped working because of the humidity . 由于潮湿机器出故障了。
- The machine stopped working because of the humidity. 由于潮湿机器出故障了。
- The machine stop automatically when upper thread run out or broken. 如果上线发生断线,那么上线的断线感应设备会自动使机器停止。
- If for no reason than that electricity was off the machine stopped running, it is too old to work any longer. 虽然只是由于停电机器才停止运转,但它也太旧,不能再工作下去了。
- Time is money, when the business card printing and membership card making machine stopped, it cannot be customers. 时间就是金钱,当制卡和会员卡制作机停止运转的时候,就不能为用户创造产值。
- If the big cogwheel does not engage with the small one, the machine stops. 如果大嵌齿轮没有同小嵌齿轮啮合,机器就停止转动。
- Auto job change without machine stop,little wastage.15”color monitor with all production data,can increase or decrease the nondefective & defective. 15寸彩色大屏幕画面提供现场全方位生产资料,并可加减良品与不良品,确切掌握生产数量,有效控制生产流程;
- If the big cogwheel does not engage with the small one,the machine stops. 如果大嵌齿轮没有同小嵌齿轮啮合,机器就停止转动。
- You'll have to complain to Head Office if the washing machine stops working again. 如果洗衣机又停止运转,你得向总店申诉。
- Press the stop button and the machine stops at loop termination. But if long time stop is necessary, the following steps are required. 按下停机按钮,机器在循环结束停止,如机器需要长时间停机,须按以下步骤进行。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- You may stop the machine by pushing this button. 按下这个按钮你就可以关掉这个机器。
- If the machine stops again, make sure to look closely again in order to find where the air is blocked. 如果机器再次停机,确保再次核查,并且保证空气管网是否依然堵塞。
- A small group of people in a truck stop, surrounded by "alive" semi-trailers, set out the stop the machines before the machines stop them. 而且更利用恐怖手法去统治创造它们的人类,这群人都想办法在机械出手前设法阻止可怕的事发生!
- Open the cover of the machine after the machin stops to discharge the cake from the top manually or siphon it out of the machine. 固相物截留在转鼓内,分离完毕,停机后启开机盖,由人工从上部卸料或虹吸管吸出机外。
- You can stop the machine by pushing the red button. 按红色的按钮就能把机器停住。
- If the current, functioning, central manager machine stops working, then this daemon ensures that another machine takes its place, and becomes the central manager of the pool. 如果当前使用中的中央管理器停止工作,这个后台程序可以确保另一台机器接替其位,成为新的机群中央管理器。