- There is a strong religious influence in American life. 在美国人的生活中,宗教的影响很深。
- luxury in American life 美国生活中的奢侈品
- Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. 比如,在美国人的生活中,是否守时被看得很重要。
- It remained a state and a power in American life to be reckoned with. 它仍然是美国生活中不可小看的一个州和一股势力。
- Cf. a major book in American history; Anti-Intellectualism in American Life. 美国的文化一直是反理性的文化。
- Business then had entrenched itself into an impregnable position in American life. 那时商业已在美国生活中占据了坚不可摧的地位。
- I like a lot of luxury in my life. 我喜歡生活中有好多奢侈的東西。
- Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Tursday in November, is a feature in American life. 11月的第四个星期四,适逢感恩节,这是美国人生活中的一件大事。
- But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller. "但是,在美国人的生活中当工业比农业更为重要时,家庭开始变小了。"工业界。
- The film questioned the legality of the income tax and attacked the "growing authoritarianism" in American life. 这部影片质疑了收入税的合法性并抨击了美国人生活中“愈演愈烈的独裁主义”。
- Hotel is rank in order of luxury in the guidebook. 指南手册中,饭店根据其豪华程度被划分成不同的等级。
- Anyhow, a movie in American life than a day, watch movies can also learn authentic spoken English. 总之,看一部电影比在美国生活一天还好,看电影也能学到地道的英语口语。
- One permanent exhibit on the first floor of the museum examines science in American life. 在博物馆的一楼有一个永久性展览,它展示了美国人生活中的科学。
- They live in luxury in a very big house. 他们在一所很大的房子里过着奢侈的生活。
- Intellectualism in American life,a Pulitzer Prize winning book on the roots of anti?intellectualism in US politics,religion,and education. 这本曾获普利策奖图书奖的著作探讨了美国政治、宗教和教育中的反智主义的根源。
- Fruit was a luxury in wartime Britain. 在战时的英国,水果是一种奢侈品。
- Philip Roth's huge, inflammatory, painfully moving new novel draws upon a persistent theme in American life: “It can't happen here. 菲利浦.;罗斯的这部最新小说采用了美国生活的永恒题材:“它不能发生在这里”。
- There was no such luxury in the nurses'home. 护士宿舍可没有这种享受。
- There was no such luxury in the nurses' home. 护士宿舍可没有这种享受。
- While the great central role the President has come to play in American life adds vastly to his influence and effectiveness, it also adds enormous operating burdens. 总统在美国生活中所担当的重要角色,使他的影响与实效大见增加,也使他在工作上不胜负荷。