- The author analyzes the trend of the luxury brand consumers and the high-end product market in China, designing the development strategies on it. 对中国奢侈品消费群体和奢侈品市场的未来趋势,作了多方面的分析,并提出了在中国奢侈品市场的发展策略。
- luxury brand consumers 奢侈品消费群体
- Outsiders seldom succeed in turning around a luxury brand. 局外人很少成功使得某一奢侈品牌成功脱困。
- Versace is not the only luxury brand banking on China. 范思哲不是唯一一个寄希望于中国的奢侈品品牌。
- It is a luxury brand established for the elite and the affluent. 这是一个为精英群体和富人所创设的奢侈品牌。
- Men are more likely than women to opt for a luxury brand when buying handbags. 据一项针对有钱购物者的调查显示,男性在买手提包时比女性更注重名牌,他们挑的是牌子而不是价格。
- Minimum 5 years working experience as DOSM in international luxury brand hotel. 5年以上国际高档品牌市场销售总监职位经验。
- Japan is a key market for European luxury brands. 日本是欧洲奢侈品牌的的一个重要市场。
- Consumers said the price was not as important a consideration as quality and reputation when judging between luxury brands. 消费者称,在比较品牌包时,价格并没有质量和名誉重要。
- At the same time, Mercedes - Mercedes-Benz's top luxury brand Maybach will debut in Wuhan. 与此同时,梅赛德斯-奔驰旗下顶级豪华品牌迈巴赫将首次亮相武汉。
- The second-ranked brand overall was Toyota's Lexus luxury brand followed by Lincoln, Honda and Mercedes-Benz. 排在第二位的是丰田的雷克萨斯,接下来的分别是林肯,本田,奔驰。
- She lists Abercrombie and Finch among her favorite luxury brands. 最奢侈的牌子:衣服鞋子木有奢侈品,香水有一堆,不分国籍地。
- The quintessential Chinese luxury brand was launched in 1994 as a custom-tailoring business in Hong Kong. 1994年,服装定制品牌“上海滩”在香港推出。
- Speaking with Ward's Auto, Krafcik said Hyundai may one day use its Genesis nameplate for a new luxury brand. 在谈到同区的汽车,现代克拉夫茨克说也许有一天利用其成因名牌的一个新的豪华品牌。
- Including its Lexus luxury brand, including, last year, Toyota sold 1.47 million vehicles, a decrease of 7.4%. 包括其豪华品牌雷克萨斯在内,丰田去年销售了147万辆汽车,下降了7.;4%25。
- I think the media influences people to buy luxury brands. 我认为在传媒影响下有更多人购买名牌。
- InterContinental Hotels and Resorts is a luxury brand that epitomizes understated elegance and style for exclusive patrons. 洲际酒店是一个豪华的酒店品牌,它突出了低调的高品质以及特别的宾客关注。
- Poltrona Frau has managed to persuade investors that a luxury brand can protect it from the troubles that assail the Italian furniture industry. 波尔托那?弗劳说服了投资者相信奢侈品牌能够免受意大利家具业遭遇的冲击。
- According to the relevant people, the modern Lao Ensi would like to take this model to help establish its luxury brand's new image. 据相关人士介绍,现代希望借劳恩斯这款车型,帮助其树立起豪华品牌的新形象。
- The trend of slim cutting and simple decor for men's suit, brought up by famous luxury brand Dior Homme, is a retro of mediaevalism. 经典案例:王石地震捐款事件。最近一两年来,上述三种思潮有愈演愈烈的趋势。奥运会马上就要来了,在此想对它们的携带者们说几句话。