- low-k电介质 low-k dielectrics
- Low-E低辐射玻璃 Low-E glass
- Rough集 Rough set
- though 和 low 押韵。 'Though' rhymes with 'low'.
- Rough测度 rough measure
- 托福课程-low season 26小时每周 TOEFL Course - low season 26 hrs wk
- Rough算子 Rough operators
- Rough集理论 Rough set theory
- Call福克兰群岛from美国today for as low as Call Falkland Islands from United States today for as low as
- Fuzzy-Rough集 fuzzy-rough sets
- Speed Control Switch Always low(速度控制开关经常低) Speed Control Switch Always Low
- Rough逻辑语义 semantics of Rough logic
- rough leaf (第一片真叶) 糙叶
- 第3课中显示WeatherData事件类有五个字段:City、Date、Low、High和Forecast。 As shown in Lesson 3, the WeatherData event class has five fields: City, Date, Low, High, and Forecast.
- rough hawks heard 粗糙还阳参
- 基于Rough集的EMIS综合评价 Comprehensive Evaluation of EMIS Based on Rough Set
- 千万不要和比你自己的动机更恶毒的对手较量巴里)。Low的人(或事)违背道德、伦理和礼貌的标准: Never ascribe to an opponent motives meaner than your own (J.M. Barrie). Something low violates standards of morality, ethics, or propriety:
- 基于Rough集实现判定树归纳分类算法的简化 Rough set based to simplify the decision tree class algorithm
- 对代数观Rough集理论的信息观解释 Illustrating the Algebra View of Rough Set Theory with Information View
- 请把JUKI Machine Oil No.1机油倒进油槽1里,一直加到HIGH标记A的位置。油槽的油面降到LOW标记B以下时,请再次补充机油。 Fill oil pan 1 with JUKI Machine Oil No. 7 up to HIGH mark A.When the oil level lowers below LOW mark B, refill the oil pan with the specified oil.