- He accompany me, however, not lose one moment in continuing his exhortation. 他陪著我,然而不失时机地继续他对我的的规劝。
- We lose one day when we go from here to the States. 从这里到美国要减少一天。
- He lose one of the pieces of his model engine. 他的火车头模型缺了一个零件。
- If it’s fear, it’s time to confront what frightens you. 如果因为害怕,现在是勇敢地面对它的时候了。
- Hesitated just can lose one's life. 犹豫不决就会送命。
- It is so easy to lose one's bearings in the woods. 在森林里很容易迷失方向。
- To lose one's poise or self-control. 失去镇定或自制
- He lost one of the pieces of his model engine. 他的火车头模型缺了一个零件。
- It is easy to lose one's way in the forest. 在森林中人很容易迷路。
- Lose one's love for sb.; Be out of love with sb. 失去对某人的爱。
- Because of Henry VII's fear of the playue, England began to register its dead in 1532. 由于享利七世害怕鼠疫,在1532年英国开始登记死亡人数。
- I cannot afford to lose one hour. 一小时也不容我推迟。
- Utmost shame is to lose one's soul. 一个人最大的耻辱是丧失灵魂。
- Must lose one joy, by his life's star foretold. 这样注定:他,为了信守一个盟誓;就非得拿牺牲一个喜悦作代价。
- Because of Henry VII's fear of the plague, England began to register its dead in 1532. 由于享利七世害怕鼠疫,在1532年英国开始登记死亡人数。
- I wish I could lose one pound each day. 但愿我能一天减轻一半。
- Seeing Izumi s fear, Toru tries to help her but is also approached by that devil. 而使整个事件陷入奇妙圈套的又是什麽?充满谜团和战栗感的悬疑推理剧即将展开。
- I lose one at least once a month. 我一个月至少会丢掉一支雨伞.
- I’ve been hearing about Khamenei’s fear of “velvet revolutions” for months now. 我听到哈梅内伊担忧“丝绒革命”的说法至今已经几个月了。
- Gee, thanks. I lose one at least once a month. 乘客:哦,谢谢。我一个月至少会丢掉一支雨伞。