- look far ahead into the future 展望未来
- The AI program would deduce the common element shared by the selections and then reach far ahead into the Library to retrieve a form that encapsulates that trait. 这个人工智能程序将会推断出每一步选择共有的要素,然后进而直达无限形态库深处,找回某种封装了这些特性的生命形态。
- look back to the past and ahead into the future 后顾与前瞻
- Xunzi, a great political thinker in ancient China, is reputed as a master of carrying forward the cause and forging ahead into the future. 摘要荀子在中国传统政治思想发展的进程中发挥了重大作用,是继往开来的一代大师。
- Wang Fu-zhi earned forward the cause and Wang Guo-wei forged ahead into the future, making the classical poetry theory "Artistic Conception" still radiates vigour today. 王夫之继往,王国维开来,使意境这一古老诗歌审美范畴至今仍焕发着鲜活的生命色彩。
- When they do this, they are implicitly assuming that cumulative risk increases at a constant rate as you look further into the future. 当它们这样做的时候,它们隐含地假设:当您关注遥远的未来时,累积风险会以一个不变的比率增加。
- The youth should look far ahead and aim high, and have a global outlook. 青年人要高瞻远瞩,放眼世界。
- If we could see far into the future! 要是我们可以看到遥远的未来该有多好呀!
- inherit the past and forge ahead into the future 承前启后, 继往开来
- Francisco was staring ahead into the darkness. 弗朗西斯科凝视着漆黑的前方。
- And the vision of looking far ahead constituted Zhang's attit... 远眺的视角造成了张爱玲对世俗的态度,即“就而不从,于其中但隔其外”。
- I look far into the distance, feeling broad-minded. 我驰目远眺,感到心胸无比开阔。
- It is also so winding that it seems to be a blind alley when you look far ahead, but if you keep walking until you take a turning, you'll find it again lying endless and still more quiet. 它又这么曲折,你望着前面,好像已经堵塞了,可是走了过去,一转弯,依然是巷陌深深,而且更加幽静。
- She claims to see into the future. 她声称能预见未来。
- Hannah Jones looks into the future of futurology. 未来学 汉纳 琼斯展望未来学的发展
- He reckons it means corporate research can look farther ahead, do bigger things and risk more money for a big payout. 他认为这意味着企业研究能更高瞻远瞩,做更大的事业,为高支出冒高投入的风险。
- If we dip into the future we can see potential dangers ahead. 我们稍加探究前景,就会发现有潜在危机。
- Little bear looked far ahead at the woods through the telescope,"ah ,the are covered with tender shoots. 小熊用望远镜看远处的树林:啊,树上长满了小芽芽。
- Had they but been able to see into the future. 要是他们能看到未来的情况就好了。