- The young man looked askance at the price. 那个年青人对那个价目侧目而视。
- Do not look askance at me from afar. 不要远远地斜视我。
- They looked askance at her suggestion. 他们对她的建议不以为然。
- Look askance what place should department of gynaecology check? 睇妇科要检查哪些地方?
- They look askance at "excessive" job mobility , which breeds insecurity. 过度的工作流动衍生社会不安全,他们对此表示怀疑。
- They look askance at “excessive” job mobility , which breeds insecurity. 过度的工作流动衍生社会不安全,他们对此表示怀疑。
- The older women in the town looked askance at what the young people were doing. 镇上上了年纪的女人用怀疑的目光看着年轻人所做的一切。
- Disbelieving his unlikely story, she looked askance at Jack. 她用怀疑的目光看着杰克,不相信他那靠不住的叙述。
- Not only neighbors to look askance at right, residents also insist that the deadline to move out of volunteers. 不仅邻居们侧目以对,居委会也坚决要求志愿者们限期搬离。
- Add to attack and jump off the back of a very good job, the full force of strong attacks font look askance at people. 加上后排进攻和跳发球十分出色,这位全面副攻攻击力之强让人侧目。
- The peasants, for their part, looked askance at the intellectuals. 农民也看不惯知识分子。
- Of course nobody looked askance at that sort of thing in Chengtu. 这样的事在省城里并不奇怪。
- Disbelieving his unlikely story,she looked askance at Jack. 她用怀疑的目光看着杰克,不相信他那靠不住的叙述。
- He looked askance at what the people step off the plane. 他用怀疑的目光打量着每一个从飞机上走下来的人。
- Some Brazilian officials look askance at Colombia, whose military build-up against the FARC has the backing of the United States. 一些巴西官员对哥伦比亚不无担忧,哥伦比亚为了对付其国内的革命武装力量游击队而进行的军力建设有美国的支持。
- Others look askance at their snigger, this is not familiar with the movie plot下三滥also have to do and such a person for dinner table ashamed. 旁人纷纷侧目暗笑,这不是电影中熟悉的下三滥情节吗同时也不得不为和这样的人同桌吃饭而感到羞耻。
- On this week, enters the second trial “the fontanel city tube” with to start “the Nanyang net police” controversial but to, makes one look askance hand in hand. 在本周,进入二审的“天门城管”与开始引起争议的“南阳网警”联袂而至,令人侧目。
- They looked askance at us there and talked with their heads close together. 他们那边斜着眼看我们,把脑袋凑在一起嘀咕。
- The woman showed great suspicion and looked askance at everything the shopman offered for sale. 那妇人显出疑心很重的样子,对于店主劝她买的每一样东西,她都投以怀疑的目光。
- It is him who always looks askance at me after I warmly greeted him. 就是他,在我温暖的像他问好之后,总是白我一眼。