- Bend the test piece 180 degrees over a mandrel with its longitudinal axis normal to the axis of mandrel. 将测试件在一根芯轴上弯曲180度,使其纵向轴线垂直于芯轴的轴线.
- Mm. B: bond surface of test piece: 50mm in width. 试件粘合面宽度50。
- Take arithmetic mean value of individual value of 5 test pieces in longitudinal or transverse directions respectively as the test result. 分别计算纵向或横向5个试件的算术平均值作为试验结果。
- Take the mean value of dimensional change rate of the 3 test pieces in longitudinal or transverse directions as the test result. 分别计算3块试件纵向或横向的尺寸变化率的平均值作为纵向或横向试验结果。
- The secondary factors are the number of holes and perforating rebar, the size of each test piece and so on. 其次是每个试件的孔洞个数和贯通钢筋个数以及试件尺寸等。
- If an overall pattern (sometimes circular lines) appears on the test surfaces, how should the inspector reprocess the test piece? 如果零件上出现遍及表面的显示(有时是环形线),检验员应如何重新处理零件?
- The formularies and can be received and used to describe the influence of the placed time of sawed test piece to the plywood formaldehyde emission. 凯尔文模型较好地模拟了胶合板甲醛粘弹性释放特征;
- Fees for Chromatic Harmonica Solo (Open Section) and Tremolo Harmonica Solo (Open Section) include the cost of one copy of the test piece. 半音階口琴獨奏公開組及複音口琴獨奏公開組之報名費已包括指定樂曲樂譜一份之費用。
- The scientists tested pieces of Beethoven's hair. 科学家检测了贝多芬的几根头发。
- The mica test pieces were prepared by cleavage so as to be atomically smooth. 云母试样是用劈裂的方法制备的,因此可以达到原子级的平滑程度。
- In this paper, the influence of heredity factors, such as the temperature and over cure temperature of hot metal, the addition of fine grain test piece and its lasting time in hot metal on ZL201 alloys are investigated. 研究了合金出炉温度、热温度、晶粒试样加入量及其在熔体中的停留时间等遗传因素对ZL201合金热裂倾向性的影响。
- Unless otherwise specified, the notched-bar impact work shall be verified on every forging or test piece by notched-bar impact-bending tests. 除非有其他规定,必须在每个工件和试验件上进行切口冲击试验和弯曲试验,以证明其符合试验要求。
- This test piece shall be welded using the identical welding parameters as the original test and only weld metal impact test specimens shall be tested. 此试件应使用与原始试验相同的焊接参数进行焊接,并且仅对焊接金属冲击试样进行试验。
- Ferrous sensitivity test piece shall be placed on top of the finished product/in tray of IQF fillets and passed under the detection head in the same orientation as standard product. 铁敏感测试片应放置在生产完成的产品顶部/IQF鱼片托盘中,在相同方位通过探测头下的才是符合标准的产品。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- The author finds out through hisexperie nces a method for insuring the attitude of testing piece and inspecting theattitude errors of testing piece. 笔者在实践中总结出一种保证试件姿态和检验试件姿态误差的具体方法。
- A longitudinal cut from the trunk of a tree. 料板,板皮从树干上纵切下的一块木材
- The elastic-plastic finite element analysis (FEA) of typical testing piece with circle hole was carried out by FEA software ANSYS. 摘要应用ANSYS有限元软件对典型构件图孔板进行了弹塑性有限元分析有限元牵与解析解,说明ANSYS辅件计算的可靠性和准确性。
- A simulator can be used to test pieces of the software before the embedded hardware is available. 仿真器一般用来测试嵌入式硬件可用之前的软件。
- The surface temperature change of Al test pieces in H2SO4solution during composite anodizing is researched. 研究铝在硫酸溶液中复合阳极氧化时的铝试件表面温度的变化行为。