- An absolute distance heterodyne interferometer using a dual longitudinal mode He Ne laser is proposed. 提出了一种采用双纵模稳频激光器的新型绝对距离测量外差干涉仪。
- Sound example 6: Chords followed by bass notes with different longitudinal mode frequencies (six versions). 健全例如6:和弦其次是低音注意到不同纵模频率(6版)。
- Mode locking can be induced not only by loss modulation, but also by phase modulation. 锁模不仅可用损耗调制取得,也可用位相调制来得到。
- Experimental Study on Pulse Amplitude Stablization in a Q-Switched Single Longitudinal Mode Nd:YLF Laser[J]. 引用该论文 郭小东;陈绍和;王世绩;顾援;邓锡铭.
- In this paper, the building process of mode locking laser pulse is studied from the point of view of synergetics. 该文用协同学的观点研究锁模激光脉冲的建立过程,认为锁模激光脉冲的建立过程是非线性的合作效应或者是自组织现象。
- Analysis in frequency domain is important to the design of depolarizer for multiple longitudinal mode optical sources. 这种分析方法对于多纵模光源消偏器的设计有参考意义。
- Pulsewidth Calculation of Active Passive Mode Locking Fiber Ring Soliton Laser and Its Stability Analysis[J]. 引用该论文 曹顺湘;王发强;陈明华;温扬敬;杨祥林.
- The reason for the differences in the spectral purity with regard to longitudinal mode content of the lasers is still not clear. 关于这种激光器中,造成纵模成分的纯度有差别的原因,现在仍不清楚。
- The results showed that the single longitudinal mode output can be obtained if the laser with adequate cavity length were coupled. 计算表明:如果选用适当腔长的激光器耦合,可以得到单纵模输出。
- A single longitudinal mode(SLM) erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) with multiple ring cavities (MRCs) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. 介绍了一种多环形腔结构(MRC)的单纵模(SLM)掺铒光纤激光器(EDFL)。
- The AE lock mode locks the exposure value for precise exposure metering. 自动曝光锁定模式可在精确曝光测定量时锁定曝光值
- Moreover, DOP becomes lower if the symmetry of spectrum is well and the number of relative large longitudinal mode increases. DOP决定于光源的谱特征,光谱越对称,强度相对大的纵模数越多,DOP越小。
- Y.Chen, F.X.Kartner, U, Morgner, S.H.Cho, H.A.Haus, E.P.Ippen, and J.G.Fujimoto, “Dispersion-managed mode locking,” J.Opt.Soc.Am.B. 16, 11, 1999-2004 (1999). 谢嘉民“皮秒与飞秒被动锁模钛蓝宝石雷射之脉冲形成动力学理论与实验之研究”国立交通大学光电工程研究所博士论文,1997年9月。
- An intracavity complexed birefrigent filter and an etalon were used to tune wavelength, reduce linewidth and select the single longitudinal mode. 通过电子伺服系统将输出激光的频率锁定在共焦参考腔上。
- While the pumping source (532urn Nd:YAG)energy is 140 mJ/pulse, the SLM(single longitudinal mode)output of thesystem reaches 22.5 mJ in the vicinity of 800 nm. 泵浦激光(532umNd:YAG)能量为140mJ/pulse时,该系统在800um附近单纵模输出为22.;5mJ/pulse。
- Base on the principle of Kerr lens mode locking and the fact that the coupling between the laser and pump in the crystal varies with the power, the absorber-like equation is derived. 从钛宝石激光器的克尔透镜锁模原理出发,基于晶体内激光和泵浦激光耦合情况随腔内功率变化这一事实,给出了克尔透镜锁模过程中类可饱和吸收体的表达式;
- The practical structure of die casting mould with the rotational automatic thread demoulding for shell parts, the calculation of mode locking force and the process parameters were presented. 给出了罩壳零件旋转自动脱螺纹压铸模实用结构,锁模力计算和工艺参数,论述了模具工作原理和设计要点。
- Sound example 5: "Yankee Doodle" played on strings tuned to the same pitch (transverse frequency) but with different longitudinal mode frequencies (two versions in different keys). 健全例如5:“扬基歌”上播放字符串调整同一球场(横向频率),但不同的纵模频率(两个版本在不同的键)。
- The preview mode enables the preview of the depth of field for the selected aperture. The AE lock mode locks the exposure value for precise exposure metering. 预景深模式使您能预先在所选光圈下观察到各景象的景深。自动曝光锁定模式也可在精确曝光测定时锁定曝光值。
- Certain symmetry in the allocation of gain material leads to depletion of odd longitudinal modes that, in turn, increases the tunability range of the microlaser. 增益材料放置的对称性导致奇数阶纵模的损耗,从而增加了微激光器的调谐范围。