- loan on actual estate [经] 不动产托押贷款
- loans on actual estate 不动产抵押放款
- They offered me a loan on very favourable terms. 他们提出以十分优惠的条件贷款给我。
- How much will you loan on this watch? 以这只手表作抵押, 你肯借多少钱?
- Individual Loan on Pledged Stock: Can Risk Be Controled? 个人股票质押贷款:风险能够控制吗?
- We invite them now to go beyond agreement on actual plans. 我们现在请他们以原则上同意再向前迈进一步而议定具体问题。
- Active loan A loan on which disbursement is still being made. 当前贷款正处于支付阶段的贷款。
- Individual Loan on Pledged Stock:Can Risk Be Controled? 个人股票质押贷款:风险能够控制吗?
- Witnessing contracts of consumption loan on credit and security. 为个人消费信贷、担保借款合同提供见证。
- Q. Can we see a PS3 development system based on actual PS iii components??? 能让我们看看一台基于ps3实质部件的完整版本开发机吗?
- Several power flow tracing methods based on actual power flow are introduced. 在回顾了以往基于交易和基于直流潮流灵敏度分析的分配方案后,重点对几种基于潮流跟踪的分配方案进行了评述。
- A real adventure icon, inspired and developed on actual Camel Trophy events. 一个真正的冒险图标,激励和发展的实际骆驼杯活动。
- Deferred expenses shall be accounted for based on actual expenses incurred. 其他递延支出,按照实际发生的有关支出入帐。
- Introduces Raymer equation and its modified formula based on actual data. 为了核算孤岛油田的原始石油储量、计算现有的剩余储量,达到控水稳油的目的。
- Don't accept secured car loans on impulse. 不接受担保汽车贷款冲动。
- Current blend [IFC] A rate used by IFC to assist in determining the performance of its loan portfolio, it is based on actual and projected debt to equity ratios. 现时混合比率[国际金融公司]国际金融公司使用的一种比率,用来帮助确定其贷款资产的业绩,它以实际的和预计的债务权益比率为基础。
- The monthly instalments of the loan on acquisition of the dwelling are paid by the children. 购买该住宅的贷款的每月分期供款由子女支付。
- Distressed loan: Loan on which repayment of interest and principal has been severely delayed or completely suspended. 还本付息有困难的贷款:指还本付息严重拖延或完全停止的贷款。
- The second type is based on actual hemoglobin extracted from discarded human or cow blood. 第二类是来自废弃的人血和牛血中提取的真正的血红蛋白。
- Usually an investor can make a stock purchase by paying 50 per cent down and getting a loan on the remainder. 通常投资者进行证券购买业务只需交纳50%25的金额,不足部分可以通过贷款补足。