- 我们快快活活地朝东慢慢前进。 We jogged along merrily eastward.
- 这个可怜的人终于安下心来,快快活活地过日子了。 The poor man at last was eased and hence lived happily.
- 后来他们被活活地用链子拴在发动机组上并投入密西西比河淹死。 They were later chained still alive to an engine block and drowned in the Mississippi.
- 安全地 without accident
- 相反地 by contraries
- 主动地 on one's own initiative
- 积极地 energetically
- 成功地 triumphantly
- 详细地 minutely
- 不停地 ceaselessly
- 渐渐地 bit by bit
- 准确地 well and truly
- 认真地 in earnest
- 同样地 likewise
- 完全地 absolutely
- 相应地 accordingly
- 明显地 markedly
- 顺利地 successfully
- 分别地 respectively
- 真诚地 frankly