- He has lived all his life in London. 他一生都住在伦敦。
- I come from Newcastle but have spent most of my life in London. 我是纽卡斯尔人,但大半生是在伦敦度过的。
- I couldn't live in London, I enjoy the great outdoors too much. 我住不了伦敦,我酷爱郊外的环境。
- The book will give you some idea of life in London. 读这本书你就会知道一些有关伦敦的生活。
- They live in London during the week and go to the country at the weekend. 他们从星期一到星期五都住在伦敦,周末到郊外去。
- Both (my) sisters live in London. 我的两个姐妹都住在伦敦。
- Prior to her marriage, she used to live in London. 她结婚之前住在伦敦。
- You live in London , do not you ? 你住在伦敦,是吗?
- BFrom England. I live in London. 我从英格兰来。我住在伦敦。
- Most of my friends live in London. 我的大多数朋友都住在伦敦。
- Franco : Why do you like live in London? 你为什么喜欢生活在伦敦?
- So you yourselves live in London, do you? 那你们本人住在伦敦,是吗?
- Business life in Shanghai is the same as in London. 上海的商务生活和伦敦的一样。
- Life in London began to return to normal. 伦敦的生活又开始变回正常的样子了。
- Scottish life in London centres round this spot. 苏格兰人在伦敦的生活区集中在这一带。
- We used to live in Bristol but now we live in London. 我们从前住在布里斯托尔,但现在住在伦敦。
- They are having the time of their lives in London. 他们正在伦敦度过一生最幸福的时光。
- He lives in London or thereabouts. 他住在伦敦或其附近。
- The letter painted a wonderful picture of his life in London . 他的来信生动地描写了他在伦敦生活的一幅美丽的画面。
- She lives in a tower block on an estate in London. 她住在伦敦某住宅区的一栋高楼里。