- Commuters that live near each other and share a common destination form the simplest and most common carpool arrangement. 住在附近的上班族,如果上班地点相同,通常采用最简单最常见的方式一起上班--拼车。
- They even slept near each other. 它们甚至还要挨着睡觉。
- We all have to work in close proximity(= near each other). 我们都不得不紧挨在一起工作。
- A number of places situated near each other and considered as a group. 被认为一群的邻近一些地区
- But they were a little sad,because it was so long between times that they got to be near each other,what with orbital mechanics being what they are and all. 但是它们也有一点点的伤感,因为每颗星星都有各自运行的轨道,相互靠近需要太长太长的时间。
- If closely-allied forms or varieties are planted near each other, it is hardly possible to raise pure seedlings. 如果近缘的品种或变种种植在很相近的地方,往往难得到纯粹的种子。
- About ?hour later, I went back out and put two handfuls of cockatiel seed near each other. 它不吃了,而飞下了六只斑鸠。
- Conversely, when Earth and Mars are near each other, Mars looms large and bright. 相反地,当地球和火星距离较近,火星看上去就显得很大很明亮。
- According to Margaret Exley of Mercer Delta, a consultancy, managers like to be near each other. 不过,虚拟总部的时代仍未到来。
- Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence calls on the two families on the same afternoon. 两家碰巧相邻,所以我在同一天下午一块儿吊唁了他们。
- Living near each other, their families have had a good relationship for a long time. 他们两家鸡犬相闻,很久以前关系就很好了。
- In a recent expedition, scientists found seahorse fossils of different ages living near each other, probably in what were once dense beds of seagrass. 在最近的一次考察中,科学家发现不同年龄海马的化石互相邻近,也许它们聚集的地方就是曾经茂密的海草生长地。
- They live in perfect accord with each other. 他们生活在一起十分融洽。
- Compared with the ordered spanwise vortexes, the streamwise vortexes are distributed quite inhomogenously with inverse direction streamwise vortexes near each other. 与规则匀称的展向涡相比流向涡比较杂乱,在射流的横截面上分布很不均匀,旋向相反的流向涡比邻存在。
- At the summer camp we live in each other's pocket. 在夏令营,我们经常在一起。
- I live nearer the school than you. 我住得比你更近学校。
- But they were a little sad, because it was so long between times that they got to be near each other, what with orbita mechanics being what they are and all. 但是它们也有一点点的伤感,因为每颗星星都有各自运行的轨道,相互靠近需要太长太长的时间。
- No, it is the office layout that matters: people who sit near each other tend to know the same things, as evidenced by making similar trades on the prediction markets. 原来,办公室布局才是关键所在:座位接近的人往往知道同样的事情,在预测市场进行同样的交易证明了这一点。
- Our group and Wrachtrup's have studied an interaction that could carry out quantum logic by using two spins that are near each other in the diamond lattice. 我们的小组和拉奇拓普的小组使用钻石晶格里两个邻近的自旋,找寻可以执行量子逻辑的交互作用。
- Most amphibians live near or under water. 大部分的两栖动物住在靠近水边或水底。